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Speak to Dispatch Commander Ruag in Stonard.


Regret. It is all I have now. One bad decision resulting in several horrible outcomes. If only I had waited for those orders. Maybe they would have detailed the horrors that awaited us in those cursed lands! Maybe they were to redirect us to another detail? Ultimately, it was my fault. All of it was my fault.

So here I stand, awaiting orders. I must know. I must have those orders.

Dispatch Commander Ruag resides in Stonard. Find him and find out what became of the orders.


Thrall's Grasp... The story is still fresh in my mind.

<Commander Ruag shakes his head.>

Terrible thing that happened to that regiment. The horde lost some of its best soldiers when that battalion was destroyed.


Quest progression[]

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft. Removed with Cataclysm..

This is part of the You Are Rakh'likh, Demon quest chain.

Horde precursors[]

  1. H [50] Fall From Grace
  2. H [50] The Disgraced One
  3. H [50] The Missing Orders
  4. H [55] The Swamp Talker

Alliance precursors[]

  1. A [57] Petty Squabbles
  2. A [57] A Tale of Sorrow

Neutral quests[]

  1. N [57] The Stones That Bind Us
  2. N [58] Kirith
  3. N [60] The Cover of Darkness
  4. N [60] The Demon Hunter
  5. N [57] Loramus
  6. N [58] Breaking the Ward
  7. N [58] The Name of the Beast
  8. N [58] The Name of the Beast
  9. N [58] The Name of the Beast
  10. N [58G] Azsharite
  11. N [58] The Formation of Felbane
  12. N [58] Enchanted Azsharite Fel Weaponry
  13. N [58] Return to the Blasted Lands
  14. N [60G] Uniting the Shattered Amulet
  15. N [60G] You Are Rakh'likh, Demon

External links[]
