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Return to Mux Manascrambler in Gadgetzan with 1 Delicate Arcanite Converter, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 10 Stonescale Oil, 25 Volcanic Ash and 40 gold.


Ah, you're in need of my latest project... the extra-dimensional ghost revealer! Unfortunately I've run out of funds and manpower.

You're willing to help? Excellent! Our first task is to build a device to harvest the very fabric of death! Building an ectoplasmic distiller won't be an easy task, <name>.

I'll need you to bring me an arcanite converter, some Greater Eternal Essences and Stonescale Oil. I'll also need some Volcanic Ash from the lava pools in the Burning Steppes to build a filter.


I understand the materials are a bit pricey... but I promise you every last one of them shall be necessary!


These are precisely the materials I needed. Quite timely too, <name>!

In mere moments I will have your distiller ready to go! In the meantime, take this as a reward for aiding me in my project.


You will receive:
Inv misc bag 12
[Mux's Quality Goods]


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Quest progression[]

  1. A [60] An Earnest Proposition (Alliance) / (Horde)
  2. A [60] A Supernatural Device (Alliance) / (Horde)
  3. N [60] The Ectoplasmic Distiller
  4. N [60] Hunting for Ectoplasm
  5. N [60] A Portable Power Source
  6. N [60] A Shifty Merchant
  7. A [60] Return to Deliana / H [60] Return to Mokvar
  8. A [60] Just Compensation (Alliance) / (Horde)
  9. A [60] In Search of Anthion (Alliance) / (Horde)
  10. N [60] Dead Man's Plea
  11. N [60] Proof of Life
  12. N [60] Anthion's Strange Request
  13. N [60] Anthion's Old Friend
  14. N [60] Falrin's Vendetta
  15. N [60] The Instigator's Enchantment
  16. N [60] The Challenge
  17. A [60] Anthion's Parting Words (Alliance) / (Horde)
  18. A [60] Bodley's Unfortunate Fate (Alliance) / (Horde)
  19. N [60] Three Kings of Flame
  20. N [60] I See Alcaz Island In Your Future...
  21. N [60] Final Preparations
  22. N [60] Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak
  23. N [60] Return to Bodley
  24. A [60] Back to the Beginning (Alliance) / (Horde)
  25. A [60] Saving the Best for Last (Alliance) / (Horde)

External links[]
