- For the blood elf version of this quest, see The Forsaken (blood elves).
This quest is a prerequisite to several other quests.
Speak with High Executor Mavren at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.
I know it seems strange, but these Forsaken are here to help. You should speak with their leader, High Executor Mavren. He's in the tower on the west side of town.
And, <class>, when you're done talking with him return to me; I have something dire that needs to be dealt with immediately!
I know that we Forsaken appear monstrous to your eyes, but I assure you we mean your people no harm. We are here because of a common enemy: Dar'Khan the traitor! He has returned and now commands the Scourge that are invading this land from his steadfast, Deatholme, to the south.
Our leader, Sylvanas Windrunner, originally hails from these lands, and in fact used to be an elf. She has a history with Dar'Khan and wants him dead as much as your people do.
We will defeat him together, <class>!
- 85 XP
- 250 reputation with Tranquillien
Quest progression[]
[10] The Forsaken or
[10] The Forsaken
[10] Return to Arcanist Vandril
[10] Suncrown Village
[11] Goldenmist Village
[14] Windrunner Village
[10] Goods from Silvermoon City
[10] Fly to Silvermoon City
[10] Skymistress Gloaming
[10] Return to Quartermaster Lymel
This quest is also a prerequisite for [10] Tomber's Supplies.