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Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth Jarien and Sothos and slay them. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.


The siblings, Jarien and Sothos, decided to join the Scarlet Crusade upon the disbanding of our mercenary company. They took the Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet with them. Good riddance, I say, but we need that piece back.

From what we could gather, they were actually slain by Grand Crusader Dathrohan himself for failing the initiation rites inside his chamber in the Scarlet Bastion.

In any case, we... meaning you, are still going to need to retrieve that piece of the amulet.


Does this mean then, <class>, that you've already put the souls of those two fools to rest and retrieved the Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet?


I suppose it's for the best that the souls of those two have finally been put to rest, even if I didn't like them while they were alive. In any case, we have what we were after, and that is definitely a good thing!

Unfortunately, I do not know the location of the one who died with the right piece of the amulet in their possession. But do not fear; in life I was a dabbler in the art of divination, so I have another task for you, which is going to enable us to ferret out the final piece.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 11900 XP (or a 72s compensation at level 80)


  • This is the fourth step in the quest chain to upgrade your Dungeon Set 1 Helm and Chestpiece into Dungeon Set 2.
  • You will need to fight your way to the chamber of Saidan Dathrohan/Balnazzar in Scarlet/Live Stratholme and use the brazier. That will summon Jarien and Sothos.
  • Jarien hits very hard and uses a nasty Cleave attack as well as Sinister Strike.
  • Sothos is a caster with a shield. She uses an instant cast Shadowbolt Volley which does 700-800 damage, AoE fears and a shield charge which will knock people back and send them flying.
  • Due to the Shadowbolt Volley, shadow resistance is very helpful in this fight.
  • One possible strategy is to have one tank pull Jarien away from the rest of the group and keep him occupied. Everyone else concentrate on taking Sothos down as quickly as possible due to her nasty Shadowbolt Volley. Once she is gone, everyone finish off Jarien. If you don't have to get within melee range of him, stay back due to his Cleave.

Quest progression[]

  1. A [60] An Earnest Proposition (Alliance) / (Horde)
  2. A [60] A Supernatural Device (Alliance) / (Horde)
  3. N [60] The Ectoplasmic Distiller
  4. N [60] Hunting for Ectoplasm
  5. N [60] A Portable Power Source
  6. N [60] A Shifty Merchant
  7. A [60] Return to Deliana / H [60] Return to Mokvar
  8. A [60] Just Compensation (Alliance) / (Horde)
  9. A [60] In Search of Anthion (Alliance) / (Horde)
  10. N [60] Dead Man's Plea
  11. N [60] Proof of Life
  12. N [60] Anthion's Strange Request
  13. N [60] Anthion's Old Friend
  14. N [60] Falrin's Vendetta
  15. N [60] The Instigator's Enchantment
  16. N [60] The Challenge
  17. A [60] Anthion's Parting Words (Alliance) / (Horde)
  18. A [60] Bodley's Unfortunate Fate (Alliance) / (Horde)
  19. N [60] Three Kings of Flame
  20. N [60] I See Alcaz Island In Your Future...
  21. N [60] Final Preparations
  22. N [60] Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak
  23. N [60] Return to Bodley
  24. A [60] Back to the Beginning (Alliance) / (Horde)
  25. A [60] Saving the Best for Last (Alliance) / (Horde)

External links[]
