The Stones That Bind Us is part of the main Blasted Lands quest chain. It is a direct prerequisite for Heroes of Old, and unlocks Kirith.
Free nine Servants of Razelikh, three Servants of Sevine, three Servants of Allistarj, and three Servants of Grol. Return to the Fallen Hero when your task is complete. You must remain within close proximity of the stones or the process will fail.
- Servants of Razelikh Freed (9)
- Servants of Grol Freed (3)
- Servants of Allistarj Freed (3)
- Servants of Sevine Freed (3)
It will take more than you alone to overcome the forces of Razelikh and his subordinates.
Gather a suitable group of adventurers and free my men of their eternal torture! Eighteen stones you must shatter.
Fight hard and die with honor, <name>.
It is no easy task, <name>. Do not give up!
You have done it, <name>! The poor, tortured souls can finally rest.
Our work is not yet over, <name>. We have much to discuss and much more to accomplish.
- 4
- 7550 XP
- One towards
Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
- One towards
3000 Quests Completed (or the earlier ones, if not completed)
You can repeat the same stone over and over.
Once you have almost defeated one of the servants, he will be stunned for a fairly short period. If this happens close enough to the binding stone, you are then able to attack (by clicking on) the binding stone. You can be interrupted while destroying the binding stone.
You are able to tag the servant and drag it closer to the stone. It only has to be close to the stone when becomes stunned, for the binding stone to be click-able.
If you are interrupted, you may need to flee to reset the servant.
- Servants of Grol
- Found around the outside of Dreadmaul Hold. Also found in Dreadmaul Post (with the stone inside the cave).
- Servants of Sevine
- Found near the Altar of Storms.
- Servants of Allistarj
- Found along the east wall of the zone, between the Dark Portal to the south, and Nethergarde Keep to the north.
- Servants of Razelikh
- Found in the south and east, near the Dark Portal
Quest progression[]
This is part of the You Are Rakh'likh, Demon quest chain.
Horde precursors[]
[50] Fall From Grace
[50] The Disgraced One
[50] The Missing Orders
[55] The Swamp Talker
Alliance precursors[]
[57] Petty Squabbles
[57] A Tale of Sorrow
Neutral quests[]
[57] The Stones That Bind Us
- A short aside, unlocked by completing the above:
[57] Heroes of Old
[57] Heroes of Old
- A short aside, unlocked by completing the above:
[58] Kirith
[60] The Cover of Darkness
[60] The Demon Hunter
[57] Loramus
[58] Breaking the Ward
[58] The Name of the Beast
[58] The Name of the Beast
[58] The Name of the Beast
[58G] Azsharite
[58] The Formation of Felbane
[58] Enchanted Azsharite Fel Weaponry
[58] Return to the Blasted Lands
[60G] Uniting the Shattered Amulet
[60G] You Are Rakh'likh, Demon