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This quest is part of quest chain The Tower of Althalaxx quest chain.


Free the trapped Highborne souls in Night Run and Satyrnaar, then return to Delgren the Purifier at Maestra's Post.

  • Free the Highborne soul in Night Run
  • Free the Highborne soul in Satyrnaar

Quest text[]

The writing of the orcs is little better than the scribblings of a child. Many of my order scoffed when I chose to learn their tongue, but I have found it beneficial to gain further understanding of my enemies.

From Ilkrud's Scribblings, it appears that Athrikus still possesses two soulgems, and they are being held in Night Run and Satyrnaar, satyr-held areas in northeast Ashenvale.

Be careful out there, <name>, the satyrs' blood-soaked temples can be unsettling even for a seasoned <class> such as yourself.


I heard whisper once that the satyrs' history is somehow related to that of the night elves, but I have found my esteemed hosts reticent to speak of the matter.

Completion Text[]

Perhaps the satyrs have been allowed to persist in the forest for too long. I will speak with Elissa about it when next I travel to Auberdine.

Nonetheless, with the soulgems destroyed, Athrikus' power will be greatly diminished. We must seize on this opportunity to eliminate him and his cult.


  • 2300 experience
  • 250 reputation with Darnassus


Each objective is a red stone floating above an arcane circle enscribed below it.

Be aware that the satyr rogues will often be in stealth.

Quest progression[]

  1. A [18] The Tower of Althalaxx
  2. A [18] The Tower of Althalaxx
  3. A [18] The Tower of Althalaxx
  4. A [21] The Tower of Althalaxx
  5. A [24] The Tower of Althalaxx
  6. A [28] The Tower of Althalaxx
  7. A [28] The Tower of Althalaxx
  8. A [31] The Tower of Althalaxx
  9. A [31] The Tower of Althalaxx

External links[]
