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This quest is part of quest chain The Tower of Althalaxx quest chain.


Speak with Balthule Shadowstrike near the Tower of Althalaxx.

Quest text[]

Before confronting Athrikus, it would probably be wise for you to consult with Balthule. I have no doubt he has been vigilant in his watch of the Tower, and he may have information about recent developments.


Ah, it's good to see you again, <name>! The strangest things have been happening around here, I'm glad you showed up!

It was very strange, <name>. Everything seemed normal--well, as normal as things get around here--and then suddenly there was a blinding flash of light from the upper room of the tower. Then came the screams. The cries split the air, and lightning struck the ground from time to time. What's going on?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

Quest progression[]

  1. A [18] The Tower of Althalaxx
  2. A [18] The Tower of Althalaxx
  3. A [18] The Tower of Althalaxx
  4. A [21] The Tower of Althalaxx
  5. A [24] The Tower of Althalaxx
  6. A [28] The Tower of Althalaxx
  7. A [28] The Tower of Althalaxx
  8. A [31] The Tower of Althalaxx
  9. A [31] The Tower of Althalaxx

External links[]
