In your journeys throughout the Blasted Lands, should you ever come across a Flawless Draenethyst Sphere, take the item back to Kum'isha the Collector. Be warned, this gem is one of the most rare crystals in all of Azeroth. Any creature in these lands could be holding a Flawless Draenethyst Sphere. You will be rewarded for each Flawless Draenethyst Sphere you have collected.
<race>, can your minuscule brain comprehend the rarity of a flawless sphere of draenethyst? Draenei have spent lifetimes in search of just one of these crystals, only to meet horrible fates, their purpose unfulfilled. So you stand before Kum'isha, knowing what Kum'isha has requested and still wish to assist? Very well, <race>... At any time during your travels across these lands, should you find a flawless sphere of draenethyst, return it to me and I shall reward you with riches beyond your wildest dreams.
I have dedicated my life to the search of flawless draenethyst spheres. A lifetime, <race>!
Do my eyes deceive me? Impossible! Where did you... How... Perhaps now a rift can be opened, returning us to our homeland.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 8450 XP (or 51
at level 70)