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This is part of the quest chain The Prophecy of Akida quest chain.


Find the Totem of Yor using the clues provided to you.

Quest Text[]

The symbols on this totem seem to translate much faster. The patterns and imagery all seem to blend into familiar words. You are fairly certain the totem is pointing you south, down the river. Something is at the bottom of the river itself.

Cut Scene[]

Upon accepting this quest for the first time, Stillpine Ancestor Tikti appears before you...

Stillpine Ancestor Tikti asks that you follow him.

Stillpine Ancestor Tikti says: [Furbolg] Far you mixik tak come. Gaze upon the kitch'kal river. Follow. Ilog to Yor.

Stillpine Ancestor Tikti says: [Furbolg] Go... Search yitix'kil bottom river. South!


The totem has various primal markings. You see owls, bears, wolves and stags carved into the surface of the totem.

You note a strange collection of symbols that makes your mouth form the word Y-O-R.



When this quest is first accepted, a ghostly furbolg will appear and walk to the edge of the river. After a moment, it casts a spell called Embrace of the Serpent upon you, which increases your swim speed, and provides water breathing for the duration.

Follow the river south. The Yor totem will be found at the bottom of the river, and will appear marked on your mini-map.

Coordinates: 63,68

Warning: swimming north will cause you to lose your buff. Also, the ghostly furbolg will not appear (and thus not buff you) if you drop and reaccept this quest.

Quest progression[]

  1. A [8] Learning the Language
  2. A [10] Totem of Coo
  3. A [10] Totem of Tikti
  4. A [10] Totem of Yor
  5. A [10] Totem of Vark
  6. A [10] The Prophecy of Akida

This quest chain leads directly to another quest chain: Stillpine Hold quest chain.

External links[]
