Gather 6 Underbelly Whelp Scales from Black Dragon Whelps, and bring them to Verner Osgood in Redridge.
I need some [underbelly scales] from black dragon whelps to pay for the shoes Argus sent me from Goldshire. If you can get 6 of them for me, then I can pay Argus with some... and have enough left to fashion something for you.
Black dragon whelps are often flying around south of Lakeshire, but they like to wander. You might have to just keep an eye out and hunt them when you see them.
I know that greedy Argus will send someone to collect his scales if I don't give them to him soon. Have you found those scales yet?
Thanks! These will get me out of debt to Argus...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 1700 XP (or 10
at level 70)
- 350 with Stormwind
Quest progression[]
[18] The Price of Shoes
[18] Return to Verner
- Two quests open:
[18] Underbelly Scales (optional)
[20] A Baying of Gnolls
[21] Howling in the Hills