This quest is part of the Alliance version of A Mage's Robes quest chain.
Bring Ur's Treatise on Shadow Magic to High Sorcerer Andromath in Stormwind.
Long ago, three mages studied in this tower until one fell to the dark arts. He was urged to turn away from that evil magic, but he could not resist. And so he was banished.
The fallen mage's new domain is the tower of Ilgalar in Redridge, and he took with him a powerful book--Ur's Treatise on Shadow Magic.
We, the mages of Stormwind, would have that book returned. Enter the tower of Ilgalar, find the tome in his library, and bring it to me.
Do you have the book, <name>? Its secrets are not meant for the untrained, and plumbing its depths can lead to doom and ruin.
I feared that Morganth had hidden the book elsewhere, or that he had found a way to open it and read its contents.
It is good to see that he did not, and that the seals we placed on Ur's Treatise on Shadow Magic still hold.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 2300 XP (or 13
at level 70)
Quest progression[]
[26] High Sorcerer Andromath
[28] Ur's Treatise on Shadow Magic
[26] Pristine Spider Silk
[26] Astral Knot Garment
[26] Speak with Deino (optional)
[26] Waters of Xavian
[26] Laughing Sisters
[26] Nether-lace Garment