Bring 10 Condensed Voidwalker Essences to "Screaming" Screed Luckheed at the Zeppelin Crash.
Even if I can get the zeppelin's frame repaired, I'll have to find something else to power the engine. I'm all out of fuel and there's no place to fill up around here!
To the south of us is an area of broken land called the Warp Fields. It's full of rogue and uncontrolled voidwalkers, but I like to think of them as walking batteries.
If you can bring me enough of their essence, I can convert the zeppelin's engine to run on it. Five gold says I'll even get better mileage out of it, too!
Were you able to get the essence?
This is perfect! In fact, I think it's going to work so well, I might just have to redesign the engine to take advantage of all this extra power. If, I mean, when we get out of here, I'll have to show my design to everyone back at Area 52!
6850 XP (or 1 17
at level 70)
The voidwalkers are in the Warp Fields. To get to the fields travel South from the Zeppelin Crash site. If you need a point of reference its directly west of the Expedition Armory. The voidwalkers are pretty easy to kill even at level 60. The drop rate is about 40% so this is an easy start up quest. The drop rate has been known to be bugged, but just go back a little later and try it again.
You might want want to pick up [61] Unyielding Souls (from Honor Guard Wesilow outside short tower from Honor Hold: 51, 60), since the mobs for those quests are nearby at the Expedition Armory.
Quest progression[]
[61] Preparing the Salve
[61] Investigate the Crash
[61] In Case of Emergency...
[61] Voidwalkers Gone Wild