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Windrunner Village is part of the The Forsaken quest chain.


Gather 6 Phantasmal Substance and 4 Gargoyle Fragments. Return them to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.


<name>, the final battle against the Ghostlands villages is upon you. Windrunner Village

[17, 43]

to the southwest has been overrun by a large force of the more powerful Scourge shocktroopers; shades and gargoyles. You will be the spearpoint of our offensive by thinning out their numbers.

The magisters at the nearby Sanctum of the Sun have made a special request this time; they want the remains from these Scourge to study in hopes of finding creative ways of fighting them.

Good hunting!


<class>, has Windrunner Village been liberated? Those damned magisters at the Sanctum of the Sun have been berating me to get their hands on those Scourge remnants I asked you to gather.

Don't worry about that, though. You take your time and get the job done right. I'll deal with the magisters.


You've done it, <name>. You've broken the Scourge hold on the three villages! Now we can focus our forces with greater ease against the Scourge on the Dead Scar and south at Deatholme.

Here, take your choice of any one of these. I trust that you're not going anywhere? We can really use your continued assistance!


You will also receive 13s

You will also be able to choose from:
Inv weapon shortblade 05
Inv pants 10
Inv boots 03
Inv staff 02


Quest progression[]

  1. H [10] The Forsaken or HIconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female [10] The Forsaken
  2. H [10] Return to Arcanist Vandril
  3. H [10] Suncrown Village
  4. H [11] Goldenmist Village
  5. H [14] Windrunner Village

External links[]
