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The final quest given to you by The Fallen Hero of the Horde. It involves killing Razelikh <The Defiler>. Most players never reach this quest due to this quest series' length and difficulty. And have partially acknowledged by a Blizzard CM the fact that its rare to see somebody have this quest. (A Community Spotlight telling all the rare/hidden quests in WoW, "You are Rakh'likh, Demon", being one of them.)


Destroy Razelikh the Defiler and return the [Severed Horn of the Defiler] to the Fallen Hero of the Horde. You will also need to return the [Ward of the Defiler] so that the Fallen Hero can destroy it, preventing it from ever falling into the wrong hands.


Razelikh's lair is atop the highest mountain in the Blasted Lands. The only way to the lair is through the use of the teleport runes near the mountain. As long as you hold the amulet, you can freely transport up to the lair. Once you reach the lair, you must conjure the beast. The amulet is your key, <name>. Use it on the Altar of the Defiler.

Should you defeat the Defiler, bring back his horn. It will become a symbol of hope for all that view it - proof that heroes do exist in this war torn world.


There is nothing left to fear.


Today is a day that will be remembered for all eternity. The demonic overlord of the Blasted Lands has finally fallen!


You will get these rewards
Inv jewelry amulet 05
Inv misc bag 13


Having the Inv jewelry amulet 01 [Ward of the Defiler] on your person allows you to talk to the Deathly Usher at

[48, 23]

. He will teleport your entire group to the top of the mountain. You can talk to him alive or dead. (Makes it so much easier to get your corpse...)

Using the Ward of the Defiler at the altar on top of the mountain will summon Rakh'likh in the ring in the center of the plateau.

shortcut iconSee also: Razelikh the Defiler for combat tactics 

Quest progression[]

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft. Removed with Cataclysm..

This is part of the You Are Rakh'likh, Demon quest chain.

Horde precursors[]

  1. H [50] Fall From Grace
  2. H [50] The Disgraced One
  3. H [50] The Missing Orders
  4. H [55] The Swamp Talker

Alliance precursors[]

  1. A [57] Petty Squabbles
  2. A [57] A Tale of Sorrow

Neutral quests[]

  1. N [57] The Stones That Bind Us
  2. N [58] Kirith
  3. N [60] The Cover of Darkness
  4. N [60] The Demon Hunter
  5. N [57] Loramus
  6. N [58] Breaking the Ward
  7. N [58] The Name of the Beast
  8. N [58] The Name of the Beast
  9. N [58] The Name of the Beast
  10. N [58G] Azsharite
  11. N [58] The Formation of Felbane
  12. N [58] Enchanted Azsharite Fel Weaponry
  13. N [58] Return to the Blasted Lands
  14. N [60G] Uniting the Shattered Amulet
  15. N [60G] You Are Rakh'likh, Demon

External links[]
