A list of rare mobs, ordered by zone. For information on rare mobs in dungeons refer to the specific dungeon for more info. Rare mobs are mobs that usually appear infrequently, as they have long respawn timers; many also drop at least uncommon loot.
In Legion[]
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Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. | Mobs |
Azsuna (Rare mobs map) |
Alluvanon, Arcana Stalker, Arcanist Shal'iman, Arcanor Prime, Arcavellus, Beacher, Bestrix, Bilebrain, Brawlgoth, Brogozog, Broodmother Lizax, Cailyn Paledoom, Captain Volo'ren, Chief Bitterbone, Chief Treasurer Jabrill, Commander Soraax, Coura, Mistress of Arcana, Daggerbeak, Deepclaw, Devious Sunrunner, Doomlord Kazrok, Felwing, Flog the Captain-Eater, Golza the Iron Fin, Horux, Houndmaster Stroxis, Immolian, Infernal Lord, Inquisitor Tivos, Jade Darkhaven, Long-Forgotten Hippogryph, Lysanis Shadesoul, Marblub the Massive, Mortiferous, Mrrgrl the Tide Reaver, Normantis the Deposed, Pacified Earth, Pridelord Meowl, Ragemaw, Raging Earth, Ravyn-Drath, Sea King Tidross, Sinister Leyrunner, Stormfeather, Syphonus, The Muscle, The Oracle, The Whisperer, Tide Behemoth, Tideclaw, Torrentius, Treasure Goblin, Valakar the Thirsty, Valiyaka the Stormbringer, Vorthax, Warbringer Mox'na, Zorux |
Highmountain (Rare mobs map) |
Ala'washte, Arru, Bodash the Hoarder, Bristlemaul, Brogrul the Mighty, Crab Rider Grmlrml, Crawshuk the Hungry, Dargok Thunderuin, Darkfiend Torementor, Darkful, Defilia, Devouring Darkness, Drugon the Frostblood, Durgoth, Flamescale, Flotsam, Frostshard, Gurbog da Basher, Hartli the Snatcher, Jak, Luggut the Eggeater, Majestic Elderhorn, Mawat'aki, Mellok, Son of Torok, Mrrklr, Mynta Talonscreech, Olokk the Shipbreaker, Ormagrogg, Oubdob da Smasher, Pacified Earth, Puck, Raging Earth, Ram'Pag, Ryael Dawndrifter, Sekhan, Shara Felbreath, Skullhat, Slumber, "Sure-Shot" Arnie, Tamed Coralback, Taurson, Tenpak Flametotem, Treasure Goblin, Xaander, Zenobia |
Stormheim (Rare mobs map) |
Aegir Wavecrusher, Ambusher Daggerfang, Apothecary Perez, Assassin Huwe, Bladesquall, Bloodstalker Alpha, Bulvinkel, Captain Brvet, Champion Elodie, Daniel "Boomer" Vorick, Dark Ranger Jess, Deathguard Adams, Den Mother Yiva, Dread-Rider Cortis, Egyl the Enduring, Fathnyr, Fjorlag, the Grave's Chill, Glimar Ironfist, Grrvrgull the Conquerer, Halfden, Hannval the Butcher, Helmouth Raider, Hook, Houndmaster Ely, Huntress Estrid, Hydrannon, Inquisitor Ernstenbok, Isel the Hammer, Ivory Sentinel, Kottr Vondyr, Lagertha, Mordvigbjorn, Mother Clacker, Nithogg, Pacified Earth, Priestess Liza, Roteye, Rulf Bonesnapper, Runeseer Sigvid, Sinker, Soulbinder Halldora, Starbuck, Stormtalon, Stormwing Matriarch, Tarben, Thane Irglov the Merciless, The Nameless King, Tiptog the Lost, Tracker Jack, Treasure Goblin, Urgev the Flayer, Vrykul Earthmaiden Spirit, Whitewater Typhoon |
Val'sharah (Rare mobs map) |
Bahagar, Darkfiend Tormentor, Darkshade, Dreadbog, Ealdis, Gathenak the Subjugator, Gorebeak, Grelda the Hag, Harbinger of Screams, Humongris, Ironbranch, Jinikki the Puncturer, Kathaw the Savage, Kiranys Duskwhisper, Lyrath Moonfeather, Lytheron, Mad Henryk, Malisandra, Nylaathria the Forgotten, Pacified Earth, Perrexx, Pollus the Fetid, Rabxach, Raging Earth, Seersei, Shalas'aman, Shar'thos, Skul'vrax, Theryssia, Thondrax, Treasure Goblin, Undergrell Ringleader, Well-Fed Bear, Witchdoctor Grgl-Brgl, Wraithtalon |
Suramar (Rare mobs map) |
Achronos, Alteria, Ambassador D'vwinn, Anax, Apothecary Faldren, Arcanist Lylandre, Artificer Lothaire, Auditor Esiel, Az'jatar, Baconlisk, Broodmother Shu'malis, Cadraeus, Colerian, Cora'kar, Degren, Elfbane, Garvrulg, Gorgroth, Guardian Thor'el, Har'kess the Insatiable, Hertha Grimdottir, Inquisitor Volitix, King Morgalash, Lady Rivantas, Lieutenant Strathmar, Magister Phaedris, Magistrix Vilessa, Maia the White, Mal'Dreth the Corruptor, Mar'tura, Matron Hagatha, Miasu, Myonix, Oglok the Furious, Oreth the Vile, Pashya, Punchshank, Randril, Rauren, Reef Lord Raj'his, Rok'nash, Sanaar, Scythemaster Cil'raman, Selenyi, Shadowquill, Shal'an, Siegemaster Aedrin, Sorallus, Tideclaw, Treasure Goblin, Vicious Whale Shark, Volshax, Breaker of Will |
Broken Shore (Rare mobs map) |
Mardum (Rare mobs map; Demon Hunter only) |
Count Nefarious, General Volroth, King Voras, Overseer Brutarg |
Vault of the Wardens (Rare mobs map; Demon Hunter only) |
Kethrazor, Wrath-Lord Lekos |
In Warlords of Draenor[]
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.
Warlords of Draenor added in-game notifications when a rare mob was close. This is only evident in Draenor zones and higher.
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Ashran (Rare mobs map) |
Ancient Inferno, Brickhouse, Burning Power, Captured Gor'vosh Stoneshaper, Cursed Harbinger, Cursed Kaliri, Cursed Ravager, Cursed Sharptalon, Elder Darkweaver Kath, Goregore, Korthall Soulgorger, Leaping Gorger, Mandragoraster, Oraggro, Panthora, Slippery Slime, Titarus, Web-wrapped Soldier, Wyrmple |
Frostfire Ridge (Rare mobs map) |
Ak'ox the Slaughterer, Arachnis, Beastcarver Saramor, Borrok the Devourer, Breathless, Broodmother Reeg'ak, Canyon Icemother, Chillfang, Cindermaw, Cloudspeaker Daber, Coldstomp the Griever, Coldtusk, Cyclonic Fury, Earthshaker Holar, Firefury Giant, Giant-Slayer Kul, Giantbane, Giantslayer Kimla, Gibblette the Cowardly, Gorg'ak the Lava Guzzler, Gorivax, Gorok, Gronnstalker Dawarn, Grutush the Pillager, Gruuk, Gurun, Hoarfrost, Huntmaster Kuang, Jabberjaw, Kaga the Ironbender, Moltnoma, Mother of Goren, Ogom the Mangler, Pale Fishmonger, Pathfinder Jalog, Primalist Mur'og, Ragore Driftstalker, Scout Goreseeker, Slogtusk the Corpse-Eater, Son of Goramal, The Beater, The Bone Crawler, Tor'goroth, Ug'lok the Frozen, Valkor, Vrok the Ancient, Yaga the Scarred |
Gorgrond (Rare mobs map) |
Alkali, Bashiok, Basten, Berthora, Blademaster Ro'gor, Char the Burning, Defector Dazgo, Depthroot, Durp the Hated, Firestarter Grash, Fossilwood the Petrified, Gelgor of the Blue Flame, Glut, Gnarljaw, Greldrok the Cunning, Grove Warden Yal, Hive Queen Skrikka, Horgg, Hunter Bal'ra, Inventor Blammo, King Slime, Mandrakor, Maniacal Madgard, Mogamago, Morgo Kain, Mother Araneae, Nultra, Poundfist, Riptar, Rolkor, Stompalupagus, Stomper Kreego, Sulfurious, Sunclaw, Swift Onyx Flayer, Sylldross, Typhon, Valstil, Venolasix |
Nagrand (Rare mobs map) |
Ancient Blademaster, Aogexon, Bergruu, Berserk T-300 Series Mark II, Bonebreaker, Brutag Grimblade, Captain Ironbeard, Dekorhan, Direhoof, Durg Spinecrusher, Explorer Nozzand, Fangler, Flinthide, Gagrog the Brutal, Gar'lua, Gaz'orda, Gnarlhoof the Rabid, Gorepetal, Gortag Steelgrip, Graveltooth, Greatfeather, Grizzlemaw, Guk, Hunter Blacktooth, Hyperious, Karosh Blackwind, Krahl Deadeye, Krud the Eviscerator, Lernaea, Luk'hok, Malroc Stonesunder, Mr. Pinchy Sr., Mu'gra, Nakk the Thunderer, Netherspawn, Ophilis, Outrider Duretha, Pit Beast, Pit Slayer, Pugg, Redclaw the Feral, Ru'klaa, Rukdug, Scout Pokhar, Sean Whitesea, Soulfang, Thek'talon, Tura'aka, Vileclaw, Warmaster Blugthol, Windcaller Korast, Xelganak |
Shadowmoon Valley (Rare mobs map) |
Amaukwa, Aqualir, Arachnis, Avalanche, Ba'ruun, Bahameye, Brambleking Fili, Dark Emanation, Darkmaster Go'vid, Darktalon, Demidos, Enavra, Faebright, Gorum, Hypnocrank, Insha'tar, Killmaw, Ku'targ the Voidseer, Lady Temptessa, Leaf-Reader Kurri, Mad "King" Sporeon, Malgosh Shadowkeeper, Master Sergeant Milgra, Morva Soultwister, Mother Om'ra, Nagidna, Pathrunner, Quartermaster Hershak, Rai'vosh, Rockhoof, Shadowspeaker Niir, Shinri, Silverleaf Ancient, Silvermaw, Sneevel, Veloss, Venomshade, Voidseer Kalurg, Windfang Matriarch, Yggdrel |
Spires of Arak (Rare mobs map) |
Betsi Boombasket, Blade-Dancer Aeryx, Blightglow, Durkath Steelmaw, Echidna, Festerbloom, Formless Nightmare, Gaze, Giga Sentinel, Gluttonous Giant, Gobblefin, Hermit Palefur, Jiasska the Sporegorger, Kalos the Bloodbathed, Kenos the Unraveler, Mecha Plunderer, Morphed Sentient, Mutafen, Nas Dunberlin, Oskiira the Vengeful, Poisonmaster Bortusk, Rotcap, Sangrikass, Shadow Hulk, Shadowbark, Solar Magnifier, Soul-Twister Torek, Stonespite, Sunderthorn, Swarmleaf, Talonbreaker, Tesska the Broken, Varasha, Voidreaver Urnae |
Talador (Rare mobs map) |
Aarko, Archmagus Tekar, Avatar of Socrethar, Bombardier Gu'gok, Cro Fleshrender, Dr. Gloom, Echo of Murmur, Felbark, Felfire Consort, Frenzied Golem, Galzomar, Gennadian, Glimmerwing, Grrbrrgle, Gug'tol, Haakun the All-Consuming, Hammertooth, Hen-Mother Hami, Kaavu the Crimson Claw, Kharazos the Triumphant, Klikixx, Kurlosh Doomfang, Lady Demlash, Legion Vanguard, Lo'marg Jawcrusher, Lord Korinak, Matron of Sin, No'losh, Orumo the Observer, Ra'kahn, Shadowflame Terrorwalker, Shirzir, Sikthiss, Maiden of Slaughter, Silthide, Soulbinder Naylana, Steeltusk, Strategist Ankor, Taladorantula, Talonpriest Zorkra, Underseer Bloodmane, Vigilant Paarthos, Wandering Vindicator, Xothear, the Destroyer, Yazheera the Incinerator |
Tanaan Jungle (Rare mobs map) |
Argosh the Destroyer, Belgork, Bilkor the Thrower, Bleeding Hollow Horror, Bloodhunter Zulk, Bramblefell, Broodlord Ixkor, Captain Grok'mar, Captain Ironbeard, Ceraxas, Cindral the Wildfire, Commander Krag'goth, Commander Org'mok, Deathtalon, Doomroller, Dorg the Bloody, Drakum, Driss Vile, Drivnul, Executor Riloth, Fel Overseer Mudlump, Felbore, Felsmith Damorka, Felspark, Gloomtalon, Glub'glok, Gondar, Gorabosh, Grand Warlock Nethekurse, Grannok, Harbormaster Korak, High Priest Ikzan, Imp-Master Valessa, Jax'zor, Keravnos, Krell the Serene, Kris'kar the Unredeemed, Lady Oran, Magwia, Mistress Thavra, Overlord Ma'gruth, Painmistress Selora, Podlord Wakkawam, Putre'thar, Rasthe, Relgor, Remnant of the Blood Moon, Rendrak, Rogond the Tracker, Sergeant Mor'grak, Shadowthrash, Smashum Grabb, Soulslicer, Steelsnout, Sylissa, Szirek the Twisted, Terrorfist, The Blackfang, The Goreclaw, The Iron Houndmaster, The Night Haunter, Tho'gar Gorefist, Thromma the Gutslicer, Varyx the Damned, Vengeance, Xanzith the Everlasting, Xemirkol, Zeter'el, Zoug the Heavy |
In Mists of Pandaria[]
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.
The Mists of Pandaria expansion added a huge amount of rare mobs, with subsequent patches introducing new zones and more rare mobs.
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Dread Wastes (Rare mobs map) |
Ai-Li Skymirror, Dak the Breaker, Gar'lok, Ik-Ik the Nimble, Karr the Darkener, Krol the Blade, Nalash Verdantis, Omnis Grinlok |
Isle of Thunder (Rare mobs map) |
Al'tabim the All-Seeing, Backbreaker Uru, Goda, God-Hulk Ramuk, Haywire Sunreaver Construct, Ku'lai the Skyclaw, Lu-Ban, Molthor, Mumta, Progenitus, Ra'sha |
Krasarang Wilds (Rare mobs map) |
Arness the Scale, Cournith Waterstrider, Dalan Nightbreaker†, Disha Fearwarden†, Gaarn the Toxic, Go-Kan, Kar Warmaker‡, Mavis Harms†, Muerta‡, Qu'nas, Ruun Ghostpaw, Spriggin, Torik-Ethis, Ubunti the Shade‡ |
Kun-Lai Summit (Rare mobs map) |
Ahone the Wanderer, Borginn Darkfist, Havak, Korda Torros, Nessos the Oracle, Scritch, Ski'thik, Zai the Outcast |
The Jade Forest (Rare mobs map) |
Aethis, Ferdinand, Kor'nas, Krax'ik, Mister Ferocious, Morgrinn Crackfang, Sarnak, Urobi |
Townlong Steppes (Rare mobs map) |
Eshelon, Kah'tir, Lith'ik the Stalker, Lon the Bull, Norlaxx, Siltriss the Sharpener, The Yowler, Yul Wildpaw |
Vale of Eternal Blossoms | Ai-Ran the Shifting Cloud, Kal'tik the Blight, Kang the Soul Thief, Major Nanners, Moldo One-Eye, Sahn Tidehunter, Urgolax, Yorik Sharpeye |
Valley of the Four Winds | Blackhoof, Bonobos, Jonn-Dar, Nal'lak the Ripper, Nasra Spothide, Salyin Warscout, Sele'na, Sulik'shor |
† Alliance friendly.
‡Horde friendly. |
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Blazing Way | Champion of the Black Flame, Huolon, Leafmender |
Cavern of Lost Spirits | Rock Moss, Spirit of Jadefire |
Celestial Court | Emerald Gander, Imperial Python, Ironfur Steelhorn |
Croaking Hollow | Bufo, Stinkbraid |
Firewalker's Path | Cinderfall |
Firewalker Ruins | Jakur of Ordon, Watcher Osu |
Huojin Landing | Chelon |
Mysterious Den | Spelurk |
Misty Strand | Dread Ship Vazuvius |
Old Pi'jiu | Cranegnasher‡, Gu'chi the Swarmbringer, Karkanos, Zhu-Gon the Sour |
Ordon Sanctuary | Flintlord Gairan, Urdur the Cauterizer |
Red Stone Run | Golganarr |
Ruby Lake | Garnia |
Three-Breeze Terrace | Archiereus of Flame |
Timeless Isle waters† | Evermaw, Monstrous Spineclaw, Rattleskew, Zesqua |
Timeless Isle western shore | Great Turtle Furyshell |
Tsavo'ka's Den | Tsavo'ka |
‡ These rare mobs are found in the waters south of the isle (Evermaw swims around the island).
‡North of Old Pi'jiu. |
In Cataclysm[]
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. 80+ zones | Mobs |
Abyssal Depths | Ghostcrawler, Mobus†, Shok'sharak |
Deepholm | Aeonaxx, Golgarok, Jadefang, Terborus, Xariona† |
Kelp'thar Forest | Lady La-La |
Mount Hyjal | Blazewing, Garr†, Terrorpene, Thartuk the Exile |
Shimmering Expanse | Burgy Blackheart, Captain Florence, Captain Foulwind, Poseidus |
Twilight Highlands | Julak-Doom†, Karoma, Overlord Sunderfury, Sambas, Tarvus the Vile |
Uldum | Akma'hat†, Armagedillo, Cyrus the Black, Dormus the Camel-Hoarder‡, Madexx |
† Also an elite mob.
‡ Technically not found in a Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. 80+ zone, but the object (Mysterious Camel Figurine) that teleports you to him is. |
In Wrath of the Lich King[]
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Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. zones | Mobs |
Borean Tundra | Fumblub Gearwind, Icehorn, Old Crystalbark |
Crystalsong Forest / Dalaran (Dalaran Arena) |
Vern |
Dragonblight | Crazed Indu'le Survivor, Scarlet Highlord Daion, Tukemuth |
Grizzly Hills | Arcturis, Grocklar, Seething Hate, Syreian the Bonecarver |
Howling Fjord | King Ping, Perobas the Bloodthirster, Vigdis the War Maiden |
Icecrown | High Thane Jorfus, Hildana Deathstealer, Putridus the Ancient |
Sholazar Basin | Aotona, King Krush, Loque'nahak |
The Storm Peaks | Dirkee, Skoll, Time-Lost Proto Drake, Vyragosa |
Zul'Drak | Gondria, Griegen, Terror Spinner, Zul'drak Sentinel |
† Also an elite mob. |
In The Burning Crusade[]
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. zones | Mobs |
Bloodmyst Isle | Fenissa the Assassin |
Blade's Edge Mountains | Hemathion, Morcrush†, Speaker Mar'grom |
Eversong Woods | Eldinarcus, Tregla |
Ghostlands | Dr. Whitherlimb |
Hellfire Peninsula | Fulgorge†, Mekthorg the Wild†, Vorakem Doomspeaker |
Nagrand | Bro'Gaz the Clanless, Goretooth, Voidhunter Yar |
Netherstorm | Chief Engineer Lorthander, Ever-Core the Punisher, Nuramoc |
Shadowmoon Valley | Ambassador Jerrikar, Collidus the Warp-Watcher†, Kraator† |
Terokkar Forest | Crippler, Doomsayer Jurim, Okrek |
Zangarmarsh | Bog Lurker, Coilfang Emissary, Marticar† |
† Also an elite mob. |
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Karazhan | Hyakiss the Lurker†, Rokad the Ravager†, Shadikith the Glider† |
† Also an elite mob. |
In World of Warcraft[]
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.
,Vanilla Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor zones.