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This article is about rare hunter pets. For rare small pets (also known as vanity and non-combat pets), see rare small pet.

A rare pet defines a pet that has a rare or unique skin (appearance). In this case, rare or unique means the skin is only possessed by one or a very few difficult to find or acquire mobs.

Since pet stats have been normalized, every pet of a particular type (i.e. cat, boar, bear, etc.) will have exactly the same movement speed, health, and attack speed. Primarily pets of one type are all the same as far as stats go. Pets learns new ranks of abilities as they go up in level. For more pet details and information on taming pets, see Pet (Hunter).

Though some of these pets are difficult to acquire, some hunters consider having a unique or especially good looking pet to be a big part of their enjoyment of the class, and go out of their way to get the perfect one.


The only rare bat pets are the two white bats, both rare spawns, in Tirisfal Glades and Razorfen Kraul.

Ressan the Needler
  • Location: Roams the southwestern border of Tirisfal Glades
  • Respawn time: 1.5-2.5 hours
  • Level: 11 Rare
Ressan the Needler

Ressan the Needler

Blind Hunter
Blind Hunter

Blind Hunter


For the most part, bears have generic skins. However the diseased bears of the Western Plaguelands and the rabid grizzlies of Dragonblight have a decayed look to them.

Diseased Black Bear
Diseased Black Bear

Diseased Black Bear

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Rabid Grizzly*Location: Outside the pit of Azjol-Nerub in Western Dragonblight
  • Level: 71-72
Rabid Grizzly

Rabid Grizzly

Birds of Prey[]

Birds of prey have a large variety of skins to choose from, however there are a few with unique skins and colors.

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Avian Darkhawk*Location: Sethekk Halls
  • Level: 67-70 Elite
Avian Darkhawk

Avian Darkhawk

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Avian Ripper*Location: Sethekk Halls
  • Level: 67-70
Avian Ripper

Avian Ripper

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Aotona*Location: Rarely spawns at the Wildgrowth Mangal or the border of Frenzyheart Hill in Sholazar Basin
  • Level: 75 Rare Elite



There are several unique boar skins, particularly those from Razorfen Kraul.

Rotting Agam'ar
Rotting Agam'ar

Rotting Agam'ar



Raging Agam'ar
Raging Agam'ar

Raging Agam'ar

Plagued Swine
Plagued Swine

Plagued Swine

Carrion Birds[]

The only rare skinned carrion birds are the two-headed variety found in some Outland zones.

Bonestripper Buzzard

Bonestripper Vulture


Bonestripper Buzzard and Bonestripper Vulture

  • Location: Terokkar
  • Respawn time: Normal
  • Level: 65
  • Description: Two headed, white with black bands on its wings and body
  • Note: There are rumors that this mob is immune to frost traps.



Another very popular pet, there are several extremely rare and striking skins for cats. The white lions are very rare pets for Alliance players to get, since one can only be spawned by a Horde quest, and the other, while also a quest spawn, must be done at Level 60+ for taming purposes.

  • Location: Southwestern Alterac Mountains
  • Respawn timer: Unknown
  • Level: 35 Rare
  • Description: Had several stripes on her tail, though these seem to have been removed in a previous patch.


Humar the Pridelord
  • Location: (62,33) in the Barrens (the cliff above Ratchet)
  • Respawn timer: 8-12 hours
  • Level: 23 Rare
Humar the Pridelord

Humar the Pridelord

  • Location: Can only be spawned by a Horde player on the quest H [16] Echeyakee, near some kodo bones in the northeastern Barrens.
  • Level: 16 Spawned



Echeyakee and Sian-Rotam




Rak'shiri and Shy-Rotam

Frostsaber Pride Watcher
Frostsaber Pride Watcher

Frostsaber Pride Watcher

Ghost Saber

Ghost Saber


If you want something really rare and unique, tame Nuramoc. He has unique skins, really long respawn timer, respawns in different places, is level 70 and requires Beast Mastery to tame. You can be pretty sure that you're one of few who have this pet.

  • Location: Netherstorm
  • Level: 70



There are currently no unique crab pets available. However, since very few hunters use crabs as pets, having one at all could be considered rare.


White crocolisks such as the Deviate Crocolisk and Deadmire deserve mention, though normal white crocolisks can now be tamed at high level in the Netherstorm in Outland. There is also the Sewer Beast, an especially difficult-to-find rare spawn, in the canals of Stormwind. It has only a slight change in coloration from other crocolisks.


Dragonhawks are rare creatures in and of themselves. There are general mob dragonhawks in Shadowmoon Valley, and a more difficult to acquire skin in The Botanica and Tempest Keep.


Phoenix-Hawk Hatchling

Phoenix-Hawk Hatchling

Bloodfalcon and Phoenix-Hawk Hatchling

Eclipsion Dragonhawk

Eclipsion Dragonhawk


There is only one rare gorilla skin, and that is Uhk'loc from Un'Goro Crater.

  • Location: The back of the cave Fungal Rock in northeastern Un'Goro Crater
  • Respawn timer: 5 hours, 20 minutes.
  • Level: 52-53 Rare



The only rare hyena skin is from the Scarlet Monastery

Scarlet Tracking Hound
  • Location: Scarlet Monastery Library
  • Level: 33-34 Elite
  • Description: Blood red coat, purple-red legs, and light orange spots on its back
Scarlet Tracking Hound

Scarlet Tracking Hound


There are a few owls which can only be found in Outland dungeons.

Avian Darkhawk
  • Location: Sethekk Halls
  • Level: 67 Elite (70 Elite in Heroic mode)
  • Description: Dark brown with bright turquoise eyes
Avian Darkhawk

Avian Darkhawk

Avian Warhawk
  • Location: Sethekk Halls
  • Level: 68 Elite (70-71 Elite in Heroic mode)
  • Description: Bright red and purple in a striped pattern

Skettis Kaliri

  • Location: Terokkar Forest
  • Level: 70
  • Description:Bright red and purple in a striped pattern
Skettis Kaliri

Avian Warhawk and Skettis Kaliri

Avian Ripper
  • Location: Sethekk Halls
  • Level: 67 Elite (69-70 Elite in Heroic mode)
  • Description:Bright orange with fainter yellow stripes
Avian Ripper

Avian Ripper


There are quite a few distinct raptor skins, though most can be found on typical mobs. Outland raptors have quite a sinister appearance. They are fairly easy to get once you reach the zone they are in, so they haven't been included here.

Deviate Stalker

Takk the Leaper

  • Location: Around the Sludge Fen in the Barrens
  • Respawn timer: 4-6 hour
  • Level: 19 Rare Elite
Takk the Leaper

Deviate Stalker and Takk the Leaper


Ravager skins are widely varied, seldom with more than one mob for a particular skin. However, there are as of yet no rare spawns or particularly difficult to find ravagers, so each is about equally "rare".


There are currently no unique or rare scorpid pets available.

Blackshell The Impenetrable in the Badlands


Serpent mobs are fairly rare. Most only appear in instances, and are elite. There is only one type of "normal" serpent, found in Shadowmoon Valley in Outland.

Razzashi Serpent
  • Location: Zul'Gurub
  • Level: 60 Elite
  • Description: Orange and yellow colored

Razzashi Serpent

Murk Spitter
Murk Spitter

Murk Spitter

Deviate Viper
Deviate Viper

Deviate Viper


There are a lot of spider skins, but only two rare ones.

  • Location: Bloodmyst Isle
  • Level: 19
  • Description: Thin, spiky black legs, red and black body



Razzashi Broodwidow


Naraxis and Razzashi Broodwidow


There are only three sporebat skins currently in game, and only one of those (Sporewing) is unique.

  • Location: Zangarmarsh
  • Level: 62
  • Description: Golden coloring



There are three rare Tallstriders, all with unique skins and all rare spawns or special named mobs.

  • Location: Horizontal line through central Mulgore
  • Level: 9 Rare
  • Respawn time: 20 minutes
  • Description: Pink plumage
  • Taming notes: Has poison before being tamed


Lost Torranche
  • Location: A floating island south of Terokkar Forest, only reachable by flying mount
  • Level: 70
  • Description: Purple plumage with a teal neck and belly
Lost Torranche

Lost Torranche

Strider Clutchmother
  • Location: Southern tip of Darkshore
  • Level: 20 Rare
  • Respawn time: Unknown
  • Description: Teal plumage with an orange neck and belly
  • Taming notes: Has a kickback ability during taming
  • Location: [34, 87]
Strider Clutchmother

Strider Clutchmother


There aren't any unique turtle skins.

Warp Stalker[]

The typical warp stalker is white with purple stripes. However, there is a species with a unique coloration available in the Netherstorm.

Warp Chaser
  • Location: Netherstorm
  • Level: 67-68
  • Description: Blue with purple stripes and black spikes
Warp Chaser

Warp Chaser

Wind serpents[]

The wind serpent's few skins that are common are in reality quite rare, since only a few rare spawns have normal pet stats. When looking for a wind serpent pet, check the Wailing Caverns.

It's also worth noting Arikara here. While not a rare skin (it uses the easily accessible red wind serpent skin), it does have a special effect associated with it that remains after taming -- whenever the hunter calls the pet, dismounts, or zones in, Arikara will arrive with the same puff of smoke and rumble that occurred when he was summoned during the quest.

  • Location: Dustwallow Marsh
  • Level: 41 Rare
  • Respawn time: Unknown
  • Description: White


  • Location: Feralas
  • Level: 43 Rare
  • Respawn time: 5-11 hours
  • Description: White

Hayoc and Arash-ethis

  • Location: Thousand Needles
  • Level: 28 Elite
  • Respawn time: Spawned, Horde quest.
  • Description: Red. Whenever called, hunter dismounts, or zones into an instance, Arikara appears in a puff of smoke with a rumble.



Wolves are a popular pet and there are many skins. However, only a few of these skins are unique.



Old Cliff Jumper
  • Location: Hinterlands
  • Level: 42 Rare
  • Description: Gray and black fur

Old Cliff Jumper

The Lone Hunter
WoW - The Lone Hunter

The Lone Hunter

External links[]
