- Recipe: Bristle Whisker Catfish
- Item Level 25
- Requires Cooking (100)
- Use: Teaches you how to cook Bristle Whisker Catfish.
- [Bristle Whisker Catfish]
- Requires Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish (1)
- Sell Price: 3
- Vendor 12
This item can be purchased for 12 from:
- Lindea Rabonne <Tackle and Bait> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Derak Nightfall <Cook> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Naal Mistrunner <Cooking Supplier> in Thunder Bluff
- Sewa Mistrunner <Fishing Supplier> in Thunder Bluff
- Kilxx <Fisherman> in The Barrens
- Ronald Burch <Cooking Supplier> in Undercity
- Catherine Leland <Fishing Supplier> in Stormwind City