The post-Cataclysm storyline of the Redridge Mountains:
Optional lead-in: Hero's Call: Redridge Mountains!
- [15] Still Assessing the Threat
- [15] Wanted: Redridge Gnolls, [16] Franks and Beans
- [16] Parker's Report
- [16] We Must Prepare!
- [16] Tuning the Gnomecorder
- [16] Canyon Romp
- [16] He Who Controls the Ettins & [16] Saving Foreman Oslow
- [16] They've Wised Up...
- [16] Yowler Must Die!
- [17] John J. Keeshan
- [17] This Ain't My War
- [17] In Search of Bravo Company
- Mandatory side chain: [17] Weapons of War & [17] His Heart Must Be In It
- Optional side quests: [17] Surveying Equipment, [17] Render's Army
- [17] Breaking Out is Hard to Do
- [17] Jorgensen
- [17] Krakauer
- [17] And Last But Not Least... Danforth
- [17] Return of the Bravo Company
- [18] They Drew First Blood
- [18] It's Never Over
- Complete all of:
- [18] Point of Contact: Brubaker & [18] Unspeakable Atrocities
- [18] Hunting the Hunters / [18] Bravo Company Field Kit: Chloroform / [18] Bravo Company Field Kit: Camouflage
- [18] Prisoners of War
- [18] To Win a War, You Gotta Become War
- [18] Detonation
- [19] The Dark Tower
- [19] The Grand Magus Doane
- [20] Showdown at Stonewatch
- [20] Darkblaze, Brood of the Worldbreaker
- [20] Triumphant Return
Up next, Duskwood, in Hero's Call: Duskwood!.