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Ability mount netherdrakepurple
  • Reins of the Onyx Netherwing Drake
  • Item Level 70
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Mount"Mount" is not in the list (Cloth armor, Leather armor, Mail armor, Plate armor, Axe, Dagger, Fishing pole, Fist weapon, Mace, Miscellaneous, ...) of allowed values for the "Item type" property.
  • Requires level 70
  • Requires Riding (300)
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. Can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend. This is a very fast mount.
  • Vendor 200g


This mount is a quest reward from the quest N [70] Onyxien the Onyx Netherwing Drake. It can also be bought from Drake Dealer Hurlunk on Netherwing Ledge in Shadowmoon Valley for 200g. You must be exalted with the faction Netherwing to obtain the quest and the right to purchase the mount.

Edit: The Onyx Netherwing Drake mount is now able to be flown in Azeroth, as well as in Northrend and Outland.


It appears players who are in a guild level 24 or higher and have the Bartering guild perk will gain an additional 10% discount, lowering the overall price to 180g gold.

Onyx Netherwing Drake

Onyx Netherwing Drake

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