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This article or section contains information relating to gameplay taken from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
Ability mount whitetiger
  • Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger
  • Item Level 40
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Mount"Mount" is not in the list (Back, Chest, Feet, Finger, Hands, Head, Held in off-hand, Legs, Main Hand, Neck, ...) of allowed values for the "Item slot" property.
  • Requires level 40
  • Requires Riding (150)
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. This is a very fast mount.

Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger summon Swift Spectral Tiger, an epic tiger mount.


Swift Spectral Tiger

Swift Spectral Tiger.

This item comes from a special loot card from the Fires of Outland set of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. When you redeem the code from Landro Longshot <The Black Flame>, the item will appear directly into your inventory, no purchase necessary.

The code also unlocks the option to purchase a non-epic standard mount; [Reins of the Spectral Tiger] at level 20.

The odds of pulling a Spectral Tiger Loot card out of a Fires of Outland TCG pack are speculated to be around 1 in 7,260. The first Spectral Tiger card sold on eBay for $2,000. Cards currently sell in the range of $500 to $800 on eBay.

This mount is also BoE so it can be sold on the auction house for a large amount of gold. (anywhere from 300k to 600k)

Unlike other loot cards in WOW TCG sets 1 and 2, this loot item requires you to spend gold to acquire it. This is because the loot items are not supposed to affect gameplay by giving a player an advantage over another, thus, it merely unlocks the option to purchase a different mount rather than giving away a free mount.

External links[]

Spectral Tiger mount (4part)

Spectral Tiger
