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Restricted environment refers to the environment in which restricted addon code (SecureHandler snippets) is executed. A limited subset of the WoW API is available within the environment.

Available API[]

SecureCmdOptionParse("conditionalString") : parses a macro conditional.
GetShapeshiftForm() : returns current shape shift form.
IsStealthed() : returns 1 if the player is stealthed
UnitExists("unit") : returns 1 if the unit exists.
UnitIsDead("unit") : returns 1 if the unit is dead.
UnitIsGhost("unit") : returns 1 if the unit is a ghost.
UnitPlayerOrPetInParty("unit") : returns 1 if the unit is a player or a pet in your party.
UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid("unit") : returns 1 if the unit is a player or a pet in your raid.
IsRightAltKeyDown(), IsLeftAltKeyDown(), IsAltKeyDown() : return 1 if the relevant key is held down.
IsRightControlKeyDown(), IsLeftControlKeyDown(), IsControlKeyDown() : return 1 if the relevant key is held down.
IsRightShiftKeyDown(), IsLeftShiftKeyDown(), IsShiftKeyDown() : return 1 if the relevant key is held down.
IsModifierKeyDown() : returns 1 if any alt, control or shift key is held down.
IsModifiedClick("modifierType") : returns 1 if the associated modifier is held down.
GetMouseButtonClicked() : returns the mouse button responsible for the hardware click.
GetActionBarPage() : returns the current action bar page.
GetBonusBarOffset() : returns the current action bar "bonus" offset (stance-specific bars).
IsMounted() : returns 1 if the player is mounted.
IsSwimming() : returns 1 if the player is swimming.
IsFlying() : returns 1 if the player is flying.
IsFlyableArea() : returns 1 if the player is in a flyable area (Northrend, Outland).
IsIndoors() : returns 1 if the player is indoors.
IsOutdoors() : returns 1 if the player is outdoors.
GetBindingKey("key") : returns the action bound to a key.
HasAction(slot) : returns 1 if an action is placed in the specified action bar slot.
IsHarmfulSpell(slot[, bookType] or "spellName") : returns 1 if the spell can be cast on hostile targets.
IsHarmfulItem(slot[, bookType] or "spellName") : returns 1 if the item can be used on hostile targets.
IsHelpfulSpell(slot[, bookType] or "spellName") : returns 1 if the spell can be cast on friendly targets.
IsHelpfulItem(slot[, bookType] or "spellName") : returns 1 if the item can be used on friendly targets.
PlayerCanAttack("unit") : returns 1 if the player can attack the specified unit.
PlayerCanAssist("unit") : returns 1 if the player can assist the specified unit.
PlayerIsChanneling() : returns 1 if the player is channeling a spell.
PlayerPetSummary() : returns pet creature family and pet name.
PlayerInCombat() : returns 1 if the player or his pet is in combat.
PlayerInGroup() : returns "party" or "raid" if the player is in one of those group types.
UnitHasVehicleUI("unit") : returns 1 if the unit is in a vehicle that provides special UI.
RegisterStateDriver(frame, state, conditional) : registers a SecureStateDriver for a specific frame.
GetActionInfo(slot) : returns limited information about an action in a specific action slot.

Restricted tables[]

Only restricted tables are accessible within the restricted environment -- essentially, the real table instances are kept local to prevent unrestricted access to variables within the restricted environment. Most table functions within the restricted environment have been replaced by restricted table-aware versions, with the exception of the gsub function (use the restricted table-aware rtgsub instead of table lookup functionality is desired).

The following table-related functions are usable inside the restricted environment:

Restricted Table Library rtable.pairs rtable.ipairs rtable.unpack rtable.newtable rtable.maxn rtable.insert
rtable.remove rtable.sort rtable.concat rtable.wipe rtable.type rtable.rtgsub  
Table Library (restricted-table aware)
table.maxn table.insert table.remove table.sort table.concat table.wipe
Global API
newtable pairs ipairs next unpack wipe tinsert
tremove type rtgsub  

Note that as the restricted environment doesn't contain proper function references, table.sort's second argument (comparison function) may not be used from within the restricted environment.

Other functions[]

The math and string standard library tables are provided in their entirety. The following table lists additional global functions that are also available in the restricted environment

select tonumber tostring print format gmatch gsub strbyte strchar strconcat strfind
strjoin strlen strlower strmatch strrep strrev strsplit strsub strtrim strupper abs
acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos deg exp floor frexp ldexp
log log10 max min mod rad random sin tan  

Frame handle methods[]

Real frame userdata values may not exists within the restricted environment; instead, it the restricted environment may contain frame references (introduced via the :SetFrameRef("name", frame) method). A limited subset of the widget API can be invoked upon those references; only methods marked with a star may be called on references to non-protected frames.

* Method Purpose
Accessor methods
* handle:GetName() Returns frame name.
* handle:GetObjectType() Returns widget type.
* handle:IsObjectType("widgetType") Returns 1 if the frame is of the specified widget type.
* handle:IsProtected() Returns 1 if the frame is protected.
  handle:GetID() Returns the ID value associated with the frame.
  handle:IsShown() Returns 1 if the frame is shown (even if its ancestors are not).
  handle:IsVisible() Returns 1 if the frame is visible (i.e. it and all its ancestors are shown).
  handle:GetWidth() Returns frame width.
  handle:GetHeight() Returns frame height.
  handle:GetRect() Returns left, bottom, width, height specification of the frame's rectangle.
  handle:GetScale() Returns frame scale.
  handle:GetEffectiveScale() Returns effective frame scale (its own scale multiplied with that of all of its ancestors).
  handle:GetFrameLevel() Returns frame level.
  handle:GetAttribute("name") Returns the value of an attribute; name must not begin with an underscore.
  handle:GetFrameRef("name") Retrieve a restricted handle to a frame set by SetFrameRef().
  handle:GetEffectiveAttribute("name", "button", "prefix", "suffix") Returns the effective value of a modified attribute. Attribute name must not begin with an underscore.
  handle:GetChildren() Returns restricted references to the frame's children in a list(?).
  handle:GetChildList(tbl) Returns restricted references to the frame's children in a table(?).
  handle:GetParent() Returns a restricted reference to the frame's parent.
  handle:GetMousePosition() Returns mouse position relative to the frame, where (0,0) is the bottom left corner.
  handle:IsUnderMouse(recursive) Returns 1 if the frame, or, if recursive is true, any of the frame's children (and their children) are under the mouse.
  handle:GetNumPoints() Returns the number of anchoring points used by the frame.
  handle:GetPoint(i) Returns information about an anchoring point.
Setter methods
  handle:Show(skipAttr) Shows a frame, and, unless skipAttr is true, set the "statehidden" attribute to nil.
  handle:Hide(skipAttr) Hides a frame, and, unless skipAttr is true, set the "statehidden" attribute to true.
  handle:SetID(id) Sets the ID value associated with the frame
  handle:SetWidth(width) Sets frame width.
  handle:SetHeight(height) Sets frame height.
  handle:SetScale(scale) Sets frame scale
  handle:SetAlpha(alpha) Sets frame alpha
  handle:ClearAllPoints() Clears all anchoring points
  handle:SetPoint(point, relframe, relpoint, ofsx, ofsy) Sets an anchoring point.
  handle:SetAllPoints([relframe]) Sets points to fill relframe, or the frame's parent if relframe is not specified.
  handle:SetAttribute("name", value) Sets an attribute on the frame. Name must not begin with an underscore.
  handle:ClearBindings() Clears all override bindings the frame is registered as an owner of.
  handle:ClearBinding(key) Clears a specific override binding this frame is the registered owner of.
  handle:SetBindingClick(priority, key, name, button) Creates an override click binding to click button specified by name (button name or reference), when key is pressed. The handle acts as the override binding's owner
  handle:SetBindingSpell(priority, key, spell) Creates an override spell binding; the handle specifies the binding's owner.
  handle:SetBindingMacro(priority, key, macro) Creates an override macro binding; the handle specifies the binding's owner.
  handle:SetBindingItem(priority, key, item) Creates an override item binding; the handle specifies the binding's owner.
  handle:Raise() Makes frame top-most.
  handle:Lower() Lowers the frame's frame level.
  handle:SetFrameLevel(level) Alters frame level.
  handle:SetParent(parent) Changes frame's parent.
  handle:RegisterAutoHide(duration) Registers the frame to be hidden after the mouse leaves the frame for duration seconds.
  handle:UnregisterAutoHide() Unregisters the frame from automatic hiding.
  handle:AddToAutoHide(childFrame) Adds a child frame to this frame's automatic hiding. The duration now applies to the mouse being out of both the frame and the childFrame.
  handle:Disable() Disables a button, disabling click handling.
  handle:Enable() Enables a button, enabling click handling.

Control methods[]

Additional methods are available as part of the control table; allowing functionality somewhat resembling proper functions within the protected environment.

control:CallMethod("methodName", ...)
insecurely calls methodName method of the restricted environment's owner.
control:Run("body", ...)
executes Lua code in body with the provided arguments; self is the handle of the environment's owner.
control:RunFor(handle, "body", ...)
executes Lua code in body with the provided arguments; self is the argument value.
control:RunAttribute("snippetAttr", ...)
executes the method contained in the snippetAttr attribute of the restricted environment owner with self, ... as arguments.
control:ChildUpdate("snippetid", message)
executes the contents of "_childupdate-snippetid" (or, if that attribute is nil/false, "_childupdate"), on all protected children (and children of children) of the restricted environment owner with (self, scriptid, message) arguments.
