- Rune Thread
- Item Level 50
- Sell Price: 12 50
- Vendor 50
This item can be purchased for 50 from:
Major Cities
- Jillian Tanner <Leatherworking Supplies> in Stormwind City
- Alexandra Bolero <Tailoring Supplies> in Stormwind City
- Edna Mullby <Trade Supplies> in Stormwind City
- Poranna Snowbraid <Tailoring Supplies> in Ironforge
- Outfitter Eric <Specialty Tailoring Supplies> in Ironforge
- Bombus Finespindle <Leatherworking Supplies> in Ironforge
- Mythrin'dir <Trade Supplies> in Teldrassil
- Elynna <Tailoring Supplies> in Teldrassil
- Deynna <Tailoring Supplies> in Silvermoon City
- Zaralda <Leatherworking Supplies> in Silvermoon City
- Parnis <Tradesman> in Silvermoon City
- Mahu <Leatherworking & Tailoring Supplies> in Thunder Bluff
- Shadi Mistrunner <Trade Supplies> in Thunder Bluff
- Borya <Tailoring Supplies> in Orgrimmar
- Felika <Trade Supplies> in Orgrimmar
- Shimra <Trade Supplies> in Orgrimmar
- Tamar <Leatherworking Supplies> in Orgrimmar
- Neii <Tailoring Supplies> in The Exodar
- Haferet <Leatherworking Supplies> in The Exodar
- Nurguni <Tradesman> in The Exodar
- Trader Endernor <Trade Goods> in Shattrath City
- Eral <General Goods> in Shattrath City
- Ernie Packwell <Trade Goods> in Shattrath City
- Cro Threadstrong <Leatherworking Supplies> in Shattrath City
- Eiin <Specialty Tailoring Supplies> in Shattrath City
- Felicia Doan <Trade Supplies> in Tirisfal Glades
- Millie Gregorian <Tailoring Supplies> in Tirisfal Glades
- Daniel Bartlett <Trade Supplies> in Tirisfal Glades
- Joseph Moore <Leatherworking Supplies> in Tirisfal Glades
- Mahu <Leatherworking & Tailoring Supplies> in Mulgore
- Shadi Mistrunner <Trade Supplies> in Mulgore
- Ziz <Tradesman> in Azuremyst Isle
- Kinamisa <Leatherworking Supplies> in Eversong Woods
- Sempstress Ambershine <Tailoring Trainer> in Eversong Woods
- Gorbold Steelhand <Trade Supplies> in Darkshore
- Valdaron <Tailoring Supplies> in Darkshore
- Rann Flamespinner <Tailoring Supplies> in Loch Modan
- Saenorion <Leatherworking Supplies> in Teldrassil
- Lardan <Leatherworking Supplies> in Ashenvale
- Shandrina <Trade Goods> in Ashenvale
- Dalria <Trade Goods> in Ashenvale
- Harlown Darkweave <Leatherworking Supplies> in Ashenvale
- Kalldan Felmoon <Specialist Leatherworking Supplies> in The Barrens
- Yonada <Tailoring & Leatherworking Supplies> in The Barrens
- Wrahk <Tailoring Supplies> in The Barrens
- George Candarte <Leatherworking Supplies> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Mallen Swain <Tailoring Supplies> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Christopher Hewen <Trade Supplies> in Westfall
- Jennabink Powerseam <Tailoring Supplies & Specialty Goods> in Wetlands
- Danielle Zipstitch <Tailoring Supplies> in Duskwood
- Sheri Zipstitch <Tailoring Supplies> in Duskwood
- Lohgan Eva <Tailoring Supplies> in Duskwood
- Franklin Hamar <Tailoring Supplies> in Redridge Mountains
- Captured Servant of Azora <Specialist Tailoring Supplies> in Redridge Mountains
- Clyde Ranthal <Leatherworking Supplies> in Redridge Mountains
- Androd Fadran <Leatherworking Supplies> in Arathi Highlands
- Jun'ha <Tailoring Supplies> in Arathi Highlands
- Hammon Karwn <Superior Tradesman> in Arathi Highlands
- Tunkk <Leatherworking Supplies> in Arathi Highlands
- Keena <Trade Goods> in Arathi Highlands
- Lah'Mawhani <Trade Supplies> in Desolace
- Vendor-Tron 1000 in Desolace
- Rikqiz <Leatherworking Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Cowardly Crosby <Tailoring Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Blixrez Goodstitch <Leatherworking Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Nerrist <Trade Goods> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Xizk Goodstitch <Tailoring Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Masat T'andr <Superior Leatherworker> in Swamp of Sorrows
- Banalash <Trade Supplies> in Swamp of Sorrows
- Helenia Olden <Trade Supplies> in Dustwallow Marsh
- Ghok'kah <Tailoring Supplies> in Dustwallow Marsh
- Svalbrad Farmountain <Trade Goods> in Alterac Valley
- Zora Guthrek <Trade Goods> in Alterac Valley
- Jangdor Swiftstrider <Leatherworking Supplies> in Feralas
- Sheendra Tallgrass <Trade Supplies> in Feralas
- Brienna Starglow <Tailoring Supplies> in Feralas
- Bortega <Reagents & Poison Supplies> in Tanaris
- Vizzklick <Tailoring Supplies> in Tanaris
- Vivianna <Trade Supplies> in Feralas
- Pratt McGrubben <Leatherworking Supplies> in Feralas
- Nioma <Leatherworking Supplies> in The Hinterlands
- Gigget Zipcoil <Trade Supplies> in The Hinterlands
- Meilosh in Felwood
- Blimo Gadgetspring <Trade Supplies> in Azshara
- Leonard Porter <Leatherworking Supplies> in Western Plaguelands
- Werg Thickblade <Leatherworking Supplies> in Western Plaguelands
- Jase Farlane <Trade Supplies> in Eastern Plaguelands
- Zannok Hidepiercer <Leatherworking Supplies> in Silithus
- Mishta <Trade Supplies> in Silithus
- Darnall <Tailoring Supplies> in Moonglade
- Lorelae Wintersong <Trade Supplies> in Moonglade
- Qia <Trade Supplies> in Winterspring
- Syurana <Trade Supplies> in Winterspring
- Floyd Pinkus <Innkeeper> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Brumman <Master Leatherworking Trainer> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Barim Spilthoof <Master Leatherworking Trainer> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Dalinna <Master Tailoring Trainer> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Sid Limbardi <Innkeeper> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Hama <Master Tailoring Trainer> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Peon Bolgar <Trade Goods> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Innkeeper Coryth Stoktron <Innkeeper> in Zangarmarsh
- Muheru the Weaver <Tailoring Supplies> in Zangarmarsh
- Puluu in Zangarmarsh
- Gambarinka <Tradesman> in Zangarmarsh
- Mathar G'ochar <Trade Supplies> in Nagrand
- Borto <Trade Supplies> in Nagrand
- Rungor <Trade Goods> in Terokkar Forest
- Leeli Longhaggle <Trade Goods> in Terokkar Forest
- Skraa <Trade Goods> in Terokkar Forest
- Kalara <Trade Goods> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Oran Blusterbrew <Trade Goods> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Dearny <Leatherworking Merchant> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Arrond <Tailoring Supplies> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Dash <Trade Supplies> in Netherstorm
- Dealer Dunar <General Provisioner> in Netherstorm
- Dealer Hazzin <General Provisioner> in Netherstorm
- Dealer Aljaan <Trade Goods> in Netherstorm
- Ragar <Leatherworking Supplies> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Rashere Pridehoof <Trade Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Pol Snowhoof <Trade Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Wyrmcult Provisioner in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Sassa Weldwell <Trade Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Ogri'la Trader <Trade Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Erool <Trade Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Caoileann <Trade Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
Rune Thread as a quest objective[]
This item is an objective for the following quests:
- [60D] The Gordok Ogre Suitω τ ϖ
- [60D] The Gordok Ogre Suitω τ ϖ
Rune Thread as an ingredient[]
This item is used to make:
- [Golden Mantle of the Dawn]
- [Runic Leather Headband]
- [Belt of Deep Shadow]
- [Netherweave Tunic]
- [Frostsaber Tunic]
- [Flameheart Vest]
- [Boots of Blasting]
- [Mooncloth Leggings]
- [Wild Draenish Gloves]
- [Frostweave Tunic]
- [Imbued Netherweave Robe]
- [Black Dragonscale Breastplate]
- [Wild Draenish Leggings]
- [Soul Pouch]
- [Boots of Natural Grace]
- [Ghostweave Gloves]
- [Mooncloth Gloves]
- [Boots of the Long Road]
- [Felcloth Gloves]
- [Arcanoweave Robe]
- [Scaled Draenic Vest]
- [Felcloth Shoulders]
- [Truefaith Vestments]
- [Molten Helm]
- [Brightcloth Gloves]
- [Black Dragonscale Shoulders]
- [Blood Tiger Breastplate]
- [Mooncloth Circlet]
- [Heavy Scorpid Bracers]
- [Wizardweave Turban]
- [Living Shoulders]
- [Imbued Netherweave Tunic]
- [Fel Leather Gloves]
- [Runic Leather Pants]
- [Enchanted Runecloth Bag]
- [Living Leggings]
- [Core Armor Kit]
- [Mooncloth Boots]
- [Silver Spellthread]
- [Netherfury Belt]
- [Heavy Clefthoof Boots]
- [Chimeric Gloves]
- [Flarecore Wraps]
- [Felcloth Robe]
- [Felcloth Hood]
- [Red Dragonscale Breastplate]
- [Inferno Gloves]
- [Netherweave Belt]
- [Soulcloth Shoulders]
- [Flarecore Mantle]
- [Arcanoweave Boots]
- [Wildfeather Leggings]
- [Dawn Treaders]
- [Blue Dragonscale Leggings]
- [Wizardweave Robe]
- [Robe of the Void]
- [Heavy Scorpid Belt]
- [Netherweave Pants]
- [Gordok Ogre Suit]
- [Felscale Boots]
- [Mongoose Boots]
- [Thick Draenic Gloves]
- [Cloak of Fire]
- [Felstalker Bracers]
- [Wicked Leather Belt]
- [Chimeric Leggings]
- [Frostweave Gloves]
- [Stylin' Adventure Hat]
- [Warbear Harness]
- [Green Dragonscale Gauntlets]
- [Felcloth Pants]
- [Brightcloth Cloak]
- [Flameheart Bracers]
- [Runic Leather Armor]
- [Black Dragonscale Boots]
- [Mooncloth Vest]
- [Blackstorm Leggings]
- [Frostweave Robe]
- [Runecloth Cloak]
- [Belt of the Long Road]
- [Belt of the Archmage]
- [Blood Tiger Shoulders]
- [Heavy Scorpid Gauntlet]
- [Belt of Blasting]
- [Wicked Leather Armor]
- [Hide of the Wild]
- [Scaled Draenic Boots]
- [Felcloth Boots]
- [Corehound Boots]
- [Volcanic Breastplate]
- [Runecloth Gloves]
- [Golden Spellthread]
- [Runecloth Robe]
- [Frostsaber Leggings]
- [Heavy Scorpid Vest]
- [Felscale Gloves]
- [Might of the Timbermaw]
- [Heavy Clefthoof Leggings]
- [Runecloth Belt]
- [Wicked Leather Bracers]
- [Robe of Winter Night]
- [Frostsaber Gloves]
- [Onyxia Scale Cloak]
- [Boots of the Crimson Hawk]
- [Ironfeather Shoulders]
- [Golden Dragonstrike Breastplate]
- [Gloves of Spell Mastery]
- [Living Crystal Breastplate]
- [Thick Draenic Vest]
- [Chimeric Vest]
- [Living Breastplate]
- [Robe of the Archmage]
- [Boots of Utter Darkness]
- [Primal Batskin Gloves]
- [Monsoon Belt]
- [Ghostweave Belt]
- [Primalstorm Breastplate]
- [Runecloth Headband]
- [Wild Draenish Vest]
- [Black Dragonscale Leggings]
- [Blue Dragonscale Breastplate]
- [Cindercloth Gloves]
- [Warbear Woolies]
- [Runic Leather Bracers]
- [Heavy Scorpid Leggings]
- [Wild Draenish Boots]
- [Netherweave Bracers]
- [Volcanic Shoulders]
- [Fel Leather Leggings]
- [Belt of the Black Eagle]
- [Heavy Scorpid Helm]
- [Runic Leather Shoulders]
- [Runecloth Pants]
- [Flarecore Gloves]
- [Frostsaber Boots]
- [Heavy Scorpid Shoulders]
- [Netherfury Leggings]
- [Arcanoweave Bracers]
- [Chimeric Boots]
- [Thick Draenic Boots]
- [Green Dragonscale Leggings]
- [Ironfeather Breastplate]
- [Fel Leather Boots]
- [Primal Batskin Bracers]
- [Bottomless Bag]
- [Stormshroud Shoulders]
- [Devilsaur Gauntlets]
- [Wicked Leather Pants]
- [Runecloth Bag]
- [Netherweave Bag]
- [Stylin' Crimson Hat]
- [Netherweave Robe]
- [Swift Flight Bracers]
- [Dragonstrike Leggings]
- [Volcanic Leggings]
- [Hurricane Boots]
- [Cindercloth Vest]
- [Runic Leather Gauntlets]
- [Stormshroud Pants]
- [Runecloth Shoulders]
- [Runecloth Boots]
- [Runecloth Tunic]
- [Green Dragonscale Breastplate]
- [Flameheart Gloves]
- [Wizardweave Leggings]
- [Felscale Pants]
- [Ghostweave Vest]
- [Stylin' Purple Hat]
- [Stylin' Jungle Hat]
- [Cindercloth Pants]
- [Wicked Leather Headband]
- [Felscale Breastplate]
- [Cindercloth Cloak]
- [Cloak of Warding]
- [Scaled Draenic Pants]
- [Devilsaur Leggings]
- [Belt of Natural Power]
- [Cenarion Herb Bag]
- [Soulcloth Gloves]
- [Mooncloth Bag]
- [Runic Spellthread]
- [Frostweave Pants]
- [Girdle of Insight]
- [Felstalker Breastplate]
- [Mystic Spellthread]
- [Netherweave Gloves]
- [Netherfury Boots]
- [Wicked Leather Gauntlets]
- [Ghostweave Pants]
- [Brightcloth Robe]
- [Runic Leather Belt]
- [Soulcloth Vest]
- [Imbued Netherweave Boots]
- [Mooncloth Robe]
- [Blue Dragonscale Shoulders]
- [Festival Suit]
- [Netherweave Boots]
- [Thick Draenic Pants]
- [Scaled Draenic Gloves]
- [Brightcloth Pants]
- [Mooncloth Shoulders]
- [Imbued Netherweave Pants]
- [Shifting Cloak]
- [Festival Dress]
- [Stormshroud Armor]
- [Chromatic Cloak]
- [Felstalker Belt]
- [Heavy Clefthoof Vest]
- [Primal Batskin Jerkin]