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Inv staff goldfeathered 01

The Runed Copper Rod is a tool used by Enchanters to help enchant items with new abilities. The rod is created by the enchanter and only he or she can use it. The rod is not consumed when used in enchanting. This rod is used for low level enchanting.


This item is crafted by Enchanters with a skill level of 1.


Materials Needed
Inv misc flute 01
1x [Copper Rod]
Inv enchant duststrange
1x [Strange Dust]
Inv enchant essencemagicsmall
1x [Lesser Magic Essence]

The formula is learned from the trainer.

Used For[]

Enchantment Skill Level
[Enchant Bracer - Minor Health] 1
[Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflect] 1
Inv staff 02 [Lesser Magic Wand] 15
[Enchant Chest - Minor Health] 15
[Enchant Chest - Minor Mana] 20
[Enchant Chest - Minor Absorption] 40
[Enchant Cloak - Minor Resistance] 45
Inv poison mindnumbing [Minor Wizard Oil] 45
[Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina] 50
[Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit] 60
[Enchant Chest - Lesser Health] 60
Inv staff 07 [Greater Magic Wand] 70
[Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility] 80
[Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength] 80
[Enchant Chest - Lesser Mana] 80
[Enchant Cloak - Minor Protection] 90
[Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer] 90
[Enchant Weapon - Minor Striking] 90
[Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect] 100
[Enchant 2H Weapon - Minor Impact] 100
[Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina] 105
[Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Spirit] 110
[Enchant Cloak - Lesser Protection] 115

Runed Copper Rod as an ingredient[]


External links[]
