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Inv misc fish 21
  • Sagefish Delight
  • Item Level 40
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Requires level 30
  • Use: Restores 840 health and 1260 mana over 21 sec. Must remain seated while eating. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and gain 8 Mana every 5 seconds for 15 min.
  • Sell Price: 1s 25c
  • Cooldown: 1 sec

Sagefish Delight is an exceptional bit of food for healers and caster DPS. Sagefish Delight is generally most valuable during long boss encounters that are mana intensive. Combined with other items such as Inv potion 45 [Mageblood Potion] and Inv potion 100 [Brilliant Mana Oil], a caster even in mediocore gear can have very good mana regeneration.


Sagefish Delight is crafted by Cooks with a skill level of 175. This requires a Cooking Fire.

The components are:

Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Sagefish Delight] can be purchased from several merchants.

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