- Scroll of Recall
- Item Level 15
- Requires Inscription (25)
- Use: Returns you to <Home>. Results are unpredictable beyond level 40.
- Sell Price: 37
- Cooldown: 20 min
This item is created with Inscription (25).
1x [Light Parchment] | 1x [Moonglow Ink] |
Recall failure[]
When above level 40, you will not be ported to your home location, instead you will port to a random city/town. The location is generally one where you are not in immediate danger. You receive the debuff "Lost!" for one minute, whose tooltip states "You were too high a level to use your scroll of recall and it teleported you randomly."
- Basement of the Lion's Pride Inn, Goldshire
- In front of the central tower in Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh
- In front of the keep at Aerie Peak, The Hinterlands
- On a hill just east of Auberdine, Darkshore, overlooking the town
- A building in Steelgrill's Depot, Dun Morogh
- Next to the lookout tower in The Crossroads.
- In the field south of Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills
- Between the Spirit Rise and the Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff
- In the middle of Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows
- South jetty tower, Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale
- The cage in Gadgetzan, Tanaris