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This article is a realm page for the Aegwynn US realm (server)

This is a community maintained page and does not represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences. Information and events here are for community documentation of server particulars, history, or opinion.

Battlegroup info
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Aegwynn (PvP)[]

Aegwynn Forum

The Burning Crusade Guild Progression[]

The following tables represent the progression of the server. The bosses listed are the bosses you have downed not bosses you are currently working on.

Italics indicates that the guild killed bosses out of order and has only killed the bosses listed.

To have your guild added or updated, or if you notice a mistake please:

Add or update your guild manually. (Please make sure you know what you are doing, do not destroy the template.)

25 Member Raid Dungeons[]



Gruul's Lair

Magtheridon's Lair

Serpentshrine Cavern

The Eye

Mount Hyjal

The Black Temple

Outdoor Bosses

Guild Progress[]

Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Mount Hyjal The Black Temple Outdoor Bosses
AllianceAftermath Cleared - - - - - -
AllianceApex Cleared - Hydross the Unstable (skipped) - - - -
AllianceDepraved Cleared Cleared Leotheras the Blind Al'ar (skipped) - - Doom Lord Kazzak Doomwalker
Allianced o w n t i m e Cleared Cleared - - - - -
AllianceEnclave Cleared Cleared Leotheras the Blind Al'ar (skipped) - - Doom Lord Kazzak
AllianceGLORY Cleared - - - - - -
AlliancePvP Inc Cleared - - - - - -
AllianceRsF Gruul - - - - - -
AllianceDoA Cleared Cleared Leotheras the Blind Solarion - - -
HordeEdge of Insanity Cleared - - - - - -
HordeENMITY Cleared Cleared - - - - -

HordeShatter Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Archimonde Illidan Stormrage Doom Lord Kazzak Doomwalker
HordeROFLCOPTER Cleared - - Al'ar (skipped) - - -
HordePirates of Dark Water Cleared Cleared Morogrim Tidewalker - - - -






Opera Event

Guild Progress[]

Guild Main Optional Opera Event
AllianceAftermath Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceApex Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceDepraved Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceDoA Cleared - Cleared
Allianced o w n t i m e Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceEnclave Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceFor The Wynn Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceClouds of Smoke Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceGLORY Cleared - Cleared
AlliancePvP Inc Cleared Cleared Cleared
AllianceRsF Cleared Nightbane Cleared
HordeAegis Shade of Aran Cleared Cleared
HordeEdge of Insanity Cleared Cleared Cleared
HordeENMITY Cleared Cleared Cleared
HordeFifth Column Cleared Cleared Cleared
HordeFruit Vendor Cleared Netherspite Cleared
HordePeace Naga Cleared Netherspite Cleared
HordeNot Enough Players Shade of Aran - Cleared
HordePantheon Cleared Cleared Cleared
HordePlaying With Noobs Cleared Cleared Cleared
HordeROFLCOPTER Cleared Cleared Cleared
HordeSerious Business Shade of Aran - Cleared
HordeShatter Cleared Cleared Cleared
HordeThe Crimson Horde Cleared - Cleared
HordeVir Tumultus The Curator - -

Rare Enchants and Craftables[]

The following tables make finding the rare enchant or craftable you need much quicker and easier than spamming trade chat to no avail.

I would like to keep the rare pattern list small so please only post if you can craft an item or give an enchant that would be difficult to find in trade chat. If you believe that I have an item listed that is common please also let me know about that so it can be removed from the list.

If you can craft one of these items or you notice a mistake please:

a. Add or update the appropriate table manually. (Please make sure you know what you are doing, do not destroy the template.)

b. Contact Skadi of <Depraved> in game or post on this Aegwynn forum thread.

Trade AlchemyAlchemy[]

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Flask of Relentless Assault - Unstabull
Flask of Mighty Restoration Aerrowyn Galgoroth
Flask of Fortification Aerrowyn -
Flask of Arcane Fortification - Galgoroth
Flask of Shadow Fortification Aerrowyn Galgoroth
Haste Potion - -
Heroic Potion - -
Insane Strength Potion - -
Fel Mana Potion - Unstabull
Elixir of Major Mageblood - -
Fel Strength Elixir Aerrowyn Zenji

Trade BlackSmithingBlacksmithing[]

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Black Felsteel Bracers - -
Blessed Bracers - Hectronic
Bracers of the Green Fortress - -
Dirge - -
Felsteel Reaper - Bulvai
Eternium Runed Blade - Psychotic
Fel Edged Battleaxe - -
Felfury Gauntlets - -
Fel Hardened Maul - Gapvoy
Felsteel Longblade Chorian -
Hand of Eternity - -
Oathkeeper's Helm - -
Runic Hammer - Falkor
Steelgrip Gauntlets - -
Storm Helm Chorian -

Trade EngravingEnchanting[]

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery Ddirtyape, Mazix, Nathanbp, Elentari Micaz, Aranea, Searingdeath, Kersey
Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility Bynop, Darkcolors, Elentari Aranea, Maldais
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose Cirayne, Gozhangsu, Lexee, Windrush Mega,Aranea,Micaz,Trike,Nirex,Kwikheal,Kersey,Amarynth.
Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost Bynop - Kanoa
Enchant Weapon - Sunfire Shadowj Aequitam, Kwikheal, Kersey
Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster Darkcolors Kersey
Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge Darkcolors,Elleron Aranea,Pachi,Aranea,Kersey
Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower Bynop, Cirayne, Darkcolors, Ddirtytape, Elleron, Hagao Searingdeath, Aequitam, Pachi, Aranea, Jesumurtio, CinnaDuma, Kersey
Enchant Weapon - Major Healing Bynop, Cirayne, Darkcolors, Elleron, Hagao, Nathanbp, Chorian Micaz, Pachi, Maldais, Aranea, Searingdeath, Kersey
Enchant Weapon - Potency Nathanbp,Bladev,Gozhangsu, Bynop Micaz, Kersey
Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect Bynop, Cirayne, Gozhangsu, Nightshal, Windrush Micaz,Pachi,Aranea,Phazeone, Searingdeath, Kersey
Enchant Bracer - Spellpower Bynop, Darkcolors Kersey
Enchant Bracer - Fortitude Bynop Kersey
Enchant Bracer - Major Defense - CinnaDuma, Kersey
Enchant Boots - Surefooted - Aequitam
Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed - Kersey
Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness - Kersey
Enchant Boots - Dexterity Oaccious Sadface
Enchant Boots - Fortitude Oaccious Kersey
Enchant Cloak - Greater Arcane Resistance Bynop, Oaccious Kwikheal, CinnaDuma, Kersey
Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance Bynop, Darkcolors Searingdeath, CinnaDuma, Kersey
Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility - Searingdeath, Kersey

Trade EngineeringEngineering[]

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Stabilized Eternium Scope Vongimi -

INV Misc Gem 02Jewelcrafting[]

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Circlet of Arcane Might Gankster Kersey
Coronet of Verdant Flame - Pestulan, Pebon, Afterglow
Ring of Arcane Shielding Millinosch,Gankster Pestulan
Khorium Band of Shadows - -
Arcane Khorium Band Gankster -
Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond Darcblood Kersey
Mystical Skyfire Diamond Gankster Pestulan, Kersey
Destructive Skyfire Diamond Darcblood Pestulan, Pebon, Kersey
Brutal Earthstorm Diamond Darcblood Kersey
Relentless Earthstorm Diamond Gankster Kersey
Powerful Earthstorm Diamond Gankster, Millinosch, Darcblood Pestulan, Kersey
Bracing Earthstorm Diamond Millinosch, Darcblood Pestulan, Pebon, Kersey
Wicked Noble Topaz - Maguss, Kersey

Trade LeatherWorkingLeatherworking[]

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Cobrascale Gloves - -
Cobrascale Hood - -
Earthen Netherscale Boots - Korvazor, Dragera
Gloves of the Living Touch - -
Hood of Primal Life - -
Living Dragonscale Helm - -
Netherdrake Gloves - Dragera
Netherdrake Helm - -
Thick Netherscale Breastplate - Rawrin
Windscale Hood - Korvazor
Windslayer Wraps - -
Windstrike Gloves - -

Trade TailoringTailoring[]

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Battlecast Hood - Xg
Battlecast Pants - Jesumurtio
Spellstrike Hood - Pestulan
Spellstrike Pants Bynop Defaca
Whitemend Hood - -
Whitemend Pants - Pestulan, Jesumurtio
Bracers of Havok Bynop -
Girdle of Ruination - Evoken, Pestulan
Unyielding Girdle - Pestulan
Resolute Cape - -
Vengeance Wrap - Pestulan, Defaca
Cloak of Eternity - -
Manaweave Cloak - -
Cloak of Arcane Evasion Bynop Pestulan, CinnaDuma
Cloak of the Black Void - -
Glacial Cloak - -
Gaea's Embrace Bynop -
Soulcloth Gloves Bynop Sandman, Pestulan, Jesumurtio, CinnaDuma
Soulcloth Vest - Sandman
Soulcloth Shoulders - Naosu
Arcanoweave Boots Bynop -
Arcanoweave Robe Bynop Jesumurtio
Belt of Blasting - Nirex

Notable Players[]

Rank 14[]

The following players achieved PvP Rank 14 during Vanilla.[1]

AllianceGrand Marshal HordeHigh Warlord
  • Eggrollz - Rogue
  • Pwnercycle - Warrior
  • Tethys - Mage
  • Bladev - Warrior
  • Mollie - Rogue
  • Morde - Rogue
  • Murik - Rogue
  • Atena - Paladin
  • Emmel - Hunter
  • Nzfire - Mage
  • Cronn - Mage
  • Dhya - Rogue
  • Galaden - Warrior
  • Gameova - Rogue
  • Sorca - Mage
  • Rheyx - Rogue
  • Easycheese - Warrior
  • Hempman - Shaman*
  • Ferro - Druid
  • Mega - Mage
  • Donatello - Shaman
  • Kactus - Warrior
  • Alfred - Priest
  • Lai - Warrior
  • Gorlick - Rogue
  • Skittle - Rogue
  • Verclore - Mage
  • Prodigy - Mage
  • Kayz - Priest
  • Illuminatus - Mage
  • Bestcowevar - Shaman
  • Kharla - Priest
  • Vollrath - Rogue

*Server First


Season 1[]

AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
[Faytx] [Law]
[Jekl] [Bonnei]
[Kyouya] [Scaryfoo]
[Mock] [Grifter]
[Mousse] [Heartbreak]
[Privilege] [Goto]
[Valiz] [Wandu]
[Vaus] [Phocas]
[Anteros] [Sandman]
[Lennar] [Scold]
- [Scripture]
- [Franswa]

Season 2[]

AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Dramacydle -
Lumia -

Note: All the season 1 gladiators transferred off during season 2.

External links[]


  1. ^ Archived Thread listing Rank 14 players in order. [1]