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This article is a realm page for the Aerie Peak Europe realm (server)

This is a community maintained page and does not represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences. Information and events here are for community documentation of server particulars, history, or opinion.

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PvEAerie Peak

Aerie Peak (PvE, EU)[]


Aerie Peak first opened its doors to players on the 13th June 2006 and became an eligible destination for PCT transfers on the 13th December 2006.

The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj were opened on 9th September 2006 by Arin, former Guild Master of Eternal Guardians, the realm's top Alliance raiding guild until they disbanded on 23rd April 2007.

Aerie Peak occasionally has queues at peak times, however the largest normally encountered is around 5 minutes. It is a PvE server, located in Europe.

Guilds on Aerie Peak[]

Horde Horde[]
  • Thundercats Ho!
  • Proto
  • Hordes Praetorian Guards
Alliance Alliance[]

External links[]

  • Official Forum [38]
  • Realm History [39] (realm news, guild progress, recruitment and crafters)
  • Warcraft Realms Server Stats [40]
  • Player Blog on Aerie Europe: Vyaaren [41]
  • Player Blog on Aerie Europe: An anon Pally [42]