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This article is a realm page for the Al'Akir Europe realm (server)

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Al'Akir Forum

IRC Channel: #alakir | Network: Quakenet

Al'Akir is a Player versus Player server for Blizzard's MMORPG, World of Warcraft. The Al'Akir server was one of the original servers included with the release of World of Warcraft. It is named after one of the Old Gods's lieutenants, Al'Akir the Windlord. It's more commonly referred to as Lag'Akir by its playerbase though, because of its history of being very prone to lag and long queues.

Al'Akir has a very active community -which contains some of the most recognizable names in World of Warcraft-, a wide variety of guilds ranging from casual to hardcore and a history filled with incidents, events and drama.

Most importantly though, Al'Akir is full. Please do not roll new characters there! (seriously, it's full - expect queues upwards of 200 during weekday evenings)

Raid Progress[]


Al'Akir the Windlord

Al'Akir has, and always had, a strong raiding community. Outdoor raid bosses have always been heavily contested and competition for serverwide first kills shines every time a new instance is added to the game. The longstanding superpowers that emerged on both factions are DarkStorm (DS) for the Horde and Stature of the Gods (SotG) for the Alliance. Currently, other notable raiding guilds include Apex, Gifuand Requiem (all Horde), East Dragon (ED), Midnight Reveries (MR), Defenders of Valor (DoV) and The Great Danes (TGD) (all Alliance).

The Molten Core[]

As Horde players leveled significantly faster on Al'Akir, they were able to form the first raids to explore the depths of the Molten Core. The two dominant Horde guilds, DarkStorm and The Forgotten Few (TFF), collaborated and raided together tackling encounter after encounter with no notable competition, whilst The Void followed closely behind snapping up all of the guild-only kills. The combined guild raid force, using noggenfogger pot spam, killed Ragnaros on May 18, 2005 (Movie). It wouldn't be until 2 months later on July 22nd that their kill was followed by Stature of the Gods, closely followed by Midnight Reveries and The Void.

Blackwing Lair[]

Hungry for new content, Blackwing Lair was eagerly anticipated by both factions. A bugged Razorgore fell to The Void early on with a proper kill coming later on from DS, who had merged with TFF by this time. The first Alliance kill tells a more interesting story.

The Razorgore incident[]

MR, still bitter being beaten by SotG on Ragnaros by less then 24 hours, made it their mission to beat SotG on this occassion and they succeeded, but not without the use of the commonly known Divine Intervention paladin exploit. Their initial claims of the kill were received with sceptism and when definite word spread they exploited the encounter, the community was quick to burn down any MR member that had shown arrogance after the kill or denied what had happened. Not all MR members had supported the 'approach' to the encounter and this lead to internal guild troubles which resulted in many of their core members leaving to form Edge of Eternity (EoE). On top of that, many members rerolled on another server or quit the game following the community's reaction, leaving MR severely crippled, but alive.

A turning point[]

Eventually, the first legit Alliance Razorgore kill came from SotG. Both DS and SotG were hammering on the next boss, Vaelastrasz, night after night (for an hour tops, as that was how the Vaelastrasz fight worked in those days). This eventually resulted in a turning point in server history: the first time an alliance guild achieved a server first, as it was SotG that killed Vaelastrasz on August 29, 2005 (Movie). DS was quick to follow though and killed Vaelastrasz soon after, followed by a server-first on Broodlord Lashlayer that same night. It would be their last achievement in Blackwing Lair, since SotG killed Firemaw, then steamrolled over Ebonroc, Flamegor and Chromaggus in one night and eventually downed the final boss Nefarian. It would take considerable time, due to various internal issues, for DS to follow.

SotG's kill on Nefarian put them among the 10 best guilds in Europe. Their achievement was criticised though by, most notably, DS who accused SotG of using guides (which were unavailable at the time, but stemmed from the friendly relation SotG maintained with another EU top guild: Inner Sanctum (IS)).


The opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj was a well coordinated serverwide event on Al'Akir. The dedicated pages to view progress on the war supplies gathering and cross faction trading of materials resulted in Al'Akir being the 7th server in Europe to open the gates on February 17, 2006.

Restoring the Scepter[]

Astaren (priest) completed the quest-line for the Scepter of the Shifting Sands and opened the gates of Ahn'Qiraj together with Lylz (a shaman from guild DarkStorm, horde).

War supplies[]

Horde gathered the bulk of the supplies, including a notable portion of the Alliance supplies. This had several reasons. Besides being the bigger faction, in numbers, on Al'Akir, certain Horde guilds (DS amongst others) and Alliance guild Solution put considerable effort into the farming process through supplies 'lotteries' that proved to be very popular. Also, a considerable amount of farming time was wasted because two guilds (DS and DoV) were completing the time-consuming scepter quest.

Temple of Ahn'Qiraj[]

When the gates eventually opened it was SotG that rushed in first and cleared up to Princess Huhuran that same night, claiming server-firsts on The Prophet Skeram, Three Bugs, Battleguard Sartura and Fankriss the Unyielding. Princess Huhuran died to them the next day. DS progressed quickly as well and both guilds were working on the Twin Emperors for 3 days before DS took it down first, followed by SotG just over an hour later. Both guilds were now stuck on a bugged C'Thun and a bugged Ouro.

Being stuck on bugged encounters, DS killed the optional boss Viscidus, as did SotG (albeit the encounter was severely bugged for them at the time). The C'Thun and Ouro hotfixes provided two server-firsts for SotG, with a top 10 position for Europe once more on C'Thun.

At the time of writing 6 guilds cleared Ahn'Qiraj (DS, SotG, EC, Gifu, No Danger and DoV) and 11 guilds killed C'Thun.


Every guild knew that Naxxramas was the last new raid content to be released before The Burning Crusade and thus many were eager to perform well. With 4 different wings available guilds had a lot of possibilities for progression.

SotG took a headstart by killing Anub'Rekhan, Instructor Razuvious, Noth The Plaguebringer, Grand Widow Faerlina and Maexxna. Meanwhile DS had worked on Patchwerk for days, with no success. After clearing the Spider Wing, SotG continued their streak by killing Patchwerk and Grobbulus, leaving DS stumped until they finally killed Patchwerk some days later. While DS and SotG worked on Gluth, Kale and DoV were fighting for a server first on Heigan the Unclean in the Plague Wing. In the end, both Gluth and Heigan went to the Horde faction. Later it would become clear those 2 kills was all that Horde would get.

Thaddius being the logical next step in progression posed severe problems. Known to be an incredibly lag sensitive and prone to disconnects encounter, it was deemed impossible on Al'Akir in its state at the time. Not having received any hardware upgrades since the game's original release, Thaddius of Al'Akir was undoable. Hope was on the horizon though, as hardware upgrades were announced and nearly there. After the arrival of the hardware upgrades the lag on Al'Akir was significantly decreased and playability increased. SotG could now continue their strong performance and did so by killing Thaddius, Loatheb and Gothik the Harvester within a week.

DS slowly caught up to SotG by killing Thaddius, Loatheb and Gothik, while SotG was unable to form a raid with the proper setup for the The Four Horsemen (4HM). When SotG eventually did kill them, DS approached so close that they were able to kill 4HM the day after. With just Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad alive, the race for the first Naxxramas clear was on.

SotG killed Sapphiron first, on Sunday October 22, and proved to be more then ready to face Kel'Thuzad, as they downed the chief lieutenant of the powerful Lich King just 2 days later on Tuesday October 24 as the 15th guild in Europe. DS followed their footsteps by killing Sapphiron 1 week after SotG and killing Kel'Thuzad 3 weeks after SotG as the 25th guild in Europe.

With Christmas time (anno 2006) constantly getting closer both MR and DoV agreed to create a raid alliance with the aim to kill Kel'Thuzad before The Burning Crusades arrival. Within the first week they managed to down The Four Horsemen, Friday December 22, and just 4 days later Sapphiron shared the same faith, Tuesday December 26th. Happy about the impressive progression they kept the raid alliance going and succeeded their aim by killing Kel'Thuzad late night, Sunday January 7th (Even thou some think it was Monday January 8th).

At the time of writing 4 guilds cleared Naxxramas (SotG, DS, DoV and MR).

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian[]

The following players have assembled the legendary caster staff [Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian] (in order):

  • Leezah (Mage, SotG)
  • Vahu (Mage, DS)
  • Rapidload (Priest, DS)
  • Amoeba (Druid, EC)
  • Dynis (Mage, MR)
  • Scarebe (Warlock, DoV)
  • Goldnspirit (Druid, DoV)

As Explicit Content have not killed Kel'Thuzad, Amoeba joined DarkStorm on one of their Kel'Thuzad kills to loot the headpiece, thus enabling him to finish his staff.

The Burning Crusade[]

During the first week of after The Burning Crusade went live on the servers Al'akir routinely went down during peak hours as the servers couldnt handle the 3 continents of Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Outland at the same time without severe lag or crashes.

Noted Guilds[]

Kil'Jaeden has been killed by 5 guilds on Al'Akir before nerf. Them being Apex, East Dragon, DarkStorm, (Midnight Reveries & Stature of the Gods (co-op raid)), (The Great Danes & Defenders of Valor (co-op raid)).

Burning Crusade Progression (25mans raids)[]

Sunwell Plateau[]

Guild Kalecgos Brutallus Felmyst Eredar Twins M'uru Kil'jaeden
Horde Apex Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Server first/World#22 7th-June-08
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Darkstorm Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Defenders of Valor Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Danger Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Requiem Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Stature of the Gods Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed Killed Killed

The Black Temple[]

Guild High Warlord Naj'entus Supremus Shade of Akama Teron Gorefiend Gurtogg Bloodboil Reliquary of Souls Mother Shahraz Illidari Council Illidan
Horde Apex Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killled Killed Killed Server first 28th-Aug-07
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 14th-Apr-08
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killled Killed Killed
Horde DarkStorm Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killled Killed Killed 11th-Sep-07
Alliance Defenders of Valor Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 30th-Oct-07
Horde Dìyù Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 09th-Nov-07
Horde Furious Angels Killed Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 11th-Nov-07
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 23th-Oct-07
Horde No Danger Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 11th-Mar-08
Horde Requiem Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 11th-Oct-07
Alliance Stature of the Gods Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 08th-Oct-07
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 14th-Apr-08
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 05th-Feb-08
Horde The Watchmen Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 28th-Apr-08
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 31th-Mar-08
Horde Zero Tolerance Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed 4th-Nov-08

Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal[]

Guild Rage Winterchill Anetheron Kaz'rogal Azgalor Archimonde
Horde Apex Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde DarkStorm Killed Killed Killed Killed Server First Kill
Alliance Defenders of Valor Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dìyù Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Eternal Pain Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Furious Angels Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Danger Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Requiem Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Stature of the Gods Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Watchmen Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Veterans Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Zero Tolerance Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed

The Eye[]

Guild Void Reaver Al'ar High Astromancer Solarian Kael'thas Sunstrider
Horde Apathia Killed Killed Killed
Horde Apex Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Coldforged Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde DarkStorm Killed Killed Killed Server First Kill
Alliance Dark Sun Rising Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dìyù Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Defenders of Valor Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Evade Killed
Horde Furious Angels Killed Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance HLEP Killed
Horde Kalevlased Killed
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Nerubian Hunters Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Danger Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Phased Killed
Horde Puppeteers Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Reloaded Killed
Horde Requiem Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Shreks Lair Killed
Horde Slashcry Killed
Alliance Stature of the Gods Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde SYNTAX ERROR Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Promise of Pain Killed
Horde The Watchmen Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Total Cabal Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Veterans Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Zero Tolerance Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed Killed

Serpentshrine Cavern[]

Guild Hydross the Unstable The Lurker Below Morogrim Tidewalker Fathom-Lord Karathress Leotheras the Blind Lady Vashj
Horde Apathia Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Apex Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Coldforged Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde DarkStorm Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Server First Kill
Alliance Dark Sun Rising Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Defenders of Valor Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dìyù Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Furious Angels Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance HLEP Killed
Horde Kalevlased Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Nerubian Hunters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Danger Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Puppeteers Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Requiem Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Slashcry Killed Killed
Alliance Stature of the Gods Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde SYNTAX ERROR Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Watchmen Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Promise of pain Killed Killed
Alliance Total Cabal Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Veterans Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Zero Tolerance Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed

Gruul's Lair / Magtheridon's Lair / Outdoor Raid Bosses[]

Guild High King Maulgar Gruul Magtheridon Doom Lord Kazzak Doomwalker
Horde Apathia Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Apex Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Coldforged Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Convicted Killed Killed
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde DarkStorm Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Defenders of Valor Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dìyù Killed Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Embrace Killed Killed
Horde Eternal Pain Killed Killed
Horde Furious Angels Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance HLEP Killed Killed Killed
Horde Kalevlased Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Nerubian Hunters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Danger Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Pandion Knight Killed Killed
Alliance Phased Killed Killed
Horde Puppeteers Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Reloaded Killed Killed
Horde Requiem Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Shreks Lair Killed Killed
Horde Slashcry Killed Killed
Alliance Stature of the Gods Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde SYNTAX ERROR Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Crazy Eights Killed
Alliance The Dominion Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Watchmen Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Total Cabal Killed Killed
Alliance Total Eclipse Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Veterans Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed

If your guild is missing on the list or you killed a new boss, feel free to Update the list.

Wrath of the Lich King Progression (25mans raids)[]

Naxxramas Arachnid Quarter and Plague Quarter[]

Guild Anub'Rekhan Grand Widow Faerlina Maexxna Noth the Plaguebringer Heigan the Unclean Loatheb
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Apex Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Immersion Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Darkstorm Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Veterans Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Requiem Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Tripledot Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Danger Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde L two P Syndrome Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Cult Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Casual Jerks Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Threecrowns Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Bifrost Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Impulse Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Kalevlased Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Asylum Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Legion of Lost Souls Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Apathia Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Sapienta Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Moonlight Agony Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Pure Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Nerubian Hunters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Furious Angels Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Elite Brotherhood Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Pandion Knight Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Remorse Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Kill Them They Are Weak Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Path of Wreckage Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Zero Tolerance Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Keepers of Northrend Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Punished Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed

Naxxramas Construct Quarter and Military Quarter[]

Guild Patchwerk Grobbulus Gluth Thaddius Instructor Razuvious Gothik the Harvester The Four Horsemen
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Apex Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Immersion Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Darkstorm Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Veterans Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Requiem Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Tripledot Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Danger Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde L two P Syndrome Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Cult Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Casual Jerks Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Threecrowns Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Bifrost Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Impulse Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Kalevlased Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Asylum Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Legion of Lost Souls Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Apathia Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Sapienta Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Moonlight Agony Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Pure Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Nerubian Hunters Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Furious Angels Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Elite Brotherhood Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Pandion Knight Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Remorse Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Kill Them They Are Weak Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Path of Wreckage Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Zero Tolerance Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Keepers of Northrend Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Punished Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed

Naxxramas Frostwyrm Lair[]

Guild Sapphiron Kel'Thuzad
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed
Horde Apex Killed Killed
Alliance Immersion Killed Killed
Horde Darkstorm Killed Killed
Horde Veterans Killed Killed
Horde Requiem Killed Killed
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed
Alliance Tripledot Killed Killed
Horde No Danger Killed Killed
Horde L two P Syndrome Killed Killed
Horde Cult Killed Killed
Horde Casual Jerks Killed Killed
Horde Threecrowns Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed
Horde Bifrost Killed Killed
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed
Alliance Impulse Killed Killed
Horde Kalevlased Killed Killed
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed
Horde The Asylum Killed Killed
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed
Alliance Legion of Lost Souls Killed Killed
Horde Apathia Killed Killed
Horde Sapienta Killed Killed
Alliance Moonlight Agony Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed
Alliance Pure Killed Killed
Alliance Nerubian Hunters Killed Killed
Horde Furious Angels Killed Killed
Horde The Elite Brotherhood Killed Killed
Alliance Pandion Knight Killed Killed
Horde No Remorse Killed Killed
Alliance Kill Them They Are Weak Killed Killed
Horde Path of Wreckage Killed Killed
Horde Zero Tolerance Killed Killed
Alliance Keepers of Northrend Killed Killed
Horde Punished Killed Killed

Malygos and Sartharion[]

Guild Malygos Sartharion (alone) Sartharion (1 drake) Sartharion (2 drakes) Sartharion (3 drakes)
Alliance The Gnometrotters Killed Killed Killed Killed 4th February 2009
Horde Apex Killed Killed Killed Killed Server First
Alliance Immersion Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Darkstorm Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Veterans Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Requiem Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance The Great Danes Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Tripledot Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde No Danger Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde L two P Syndrome Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Cult Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Casual Jerks Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Threecrowns Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance East Dragon Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Gifu Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Bifrost Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Aztecs Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Impulse Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Kalevlased Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Midnight Reveries Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde The Asylum Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Dark Prophecy Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Legion of Lost Souls Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Apathia Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Punished Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
Horde Sapienta Killed Killed
Alliance Moonlight Agony Killed Killed
Alliance Touch Me Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Pure Killed Killed
Alliance Nerubian Hunters Killed Killed Killed
Horde Furious Angels Killed Killed
Horde The Elite Brotherhood Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Pandion Knight Killed Killed
Horde No Remorse Killed Killed
Alliance Kill Them They Are Weak Killed
Horde Path of Wreckage Killed Killed
Horde Zero Tolerance Killed Killed Killed Killed
Alliance Keepers of Northrend Killed

If your guild is missing on the list or you killed a new boss, feel free to Update the list.

Player versus Player[]

The PvP History in Al'Akir is rather colourful. During the virgin months of Al'Akir, when it already displayed foreboding signs of instability, unwary players experienced frequent moments of (Alliance) terror courtesy of SotG rogue Bladespinner, the once sinister <East Dragon> and the dubiously named <dragonkiller from forest>. At one point, one of the leading Horde guilds in the early days, Karma, hosted an in-guild skirmish on the Gurubashi Arena, eventually more or less unexpectedly featuring a bonusfight of sorts between Karma's Heimdal (undead priest) and the unflagging Bladespinner. The epic matchup resulted in victory, nay utterly crushing and humiliating domination by Heimdal who caused more than one eyebrow to rise with his nifty use of the underrated Cannibalize and furious wanding. With that fight, Bladespinner's heyday had come to a bitter end and he soon disappeared to realms unknown.

Later outdoor pvp bloomed at Tarren Mill. With the introduction of Alterac Valley, Hillsbrad Foothills became nigh impossible for levelling due to intense outdoor facemelting.

Upon the introduction of the honor system the first to gain the then much coveted fourteenth rank were Lylz of DarkStorm on Horde side and Lora of East Dragon (Rogue) representing Alliance, both achieving the feat on the same week.

On the release of crossrealm battlegrounds Al'Akir teams quickly made a name for themselves for being specialized in graveyard camping. Amongst the early teams the most notable was the Bad Karma team, followed by the twink league of <e peen> - both of which never received any losses during their one month existence.

Al'Akir is also notable in housing some of the most famous PvP movie makers in WoW. Notable: Azgaz, Grim, Jungle, Marukoer, Mastatrigga, Zalgradis.

  • Marukoer
  • Pimpg
    • Class: Rogue
    • Faction: Alliance
    • Movies:
      • Pimpg: Vol 1
      • Pimpg: Anima Mundi

Guild List[]

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Factiongfx/faction_tip_link.json' not found. Alliance Guilds[]

Name Website GM Notes
Your Death Sentence Theundertaka
Alterum Tantum Arilind
Ashes Of Phoenix Gameangel
Bravefart DDrumustix
Coldforged Device
DarkSunRising Otger
Defenders of Valor Tyrko
East Dragon Warinuk Faction Changed
Enlightenment Eddard
Free Born Jacksole
Midnight Reveries Puhupux
Nerubian Hunters Jasper
Old Goat Tyranis
Pandion Knight Aldor
Plonkas of War Numpty
Shreks Lair Wia
Stature of the Gods Abraxa
Super Mega Awesome Guild Iratta
The Crazy Eights Jaynie
The Gnometrotters Nilgis
The Great Danes Bone
The Guild Gregadin
Total Cabal merged with HLEP to form Touch Me KillerRabbit
Touch Me KillerRabbit
Viikate Aerolite
Vincere Prästugglan
U Mad Bro Tzubaki

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Factiongfx/faction_tip_link.json' not found. Horde Guilds[]

Name Website GM Notes
Agnostics Truepower dead
Apathia Steff
Apex Welt
Aztecs Phruity
Blueprint Thornskin
Casual Jerks Cadrach
Convicted Convbank dead
Cowboys From Hell Juver
Dark Prophecy Talorc
DarkStorm Lylz Migrated
Defenserad Seithu
Dìyù Hezzy
e peen Marukoer
Embrace Meshift
Eternal Pain Bims Disbanded
Heretic Kây
Gifu http://www.Gifu-kilta.Fi Rönä
Invictus Aranon
Kalevlased Narade
No Danger Fuhaifung dead
Pat Sharpes Potato Rodeo Pauldaniels
Punished Marriage
Puppeteers Deadkid dead
Reloaded Melindor
Revenant Several officers Former Furious Angels (2005-2009)
Requiem Zmain
Slashcry Ungoliath Disbanded
Syntax Error Mors dead
The Forgotten Few Anjo dead
The Grey Company Rancid
The Promise of Pain Smackowich
The Watchmen Ulysses dead
ThreeCrowns Wingen dead
Tæskeholdet Jazmin
Valhala Lusifix Disbanded
Veterans Inph
Worst Case Scenario Officers
XXV Zervin
Zero Tolerance Gangrene Disbanded