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Realms  Area 52 US (PvE)

Server Information  

Area 52

Area 52

Area 52 is a PvE realm that opened January 16, 2007 as the destination realm for transfers from the overpopulated realms of Bloodhoof, Gilneas, Icecrown, Lothar and Stormrage.

Area 52 operates on Eastern Standard Time.

Area 52 was originally one of seven servers in the Battlegroup Frenzy. On June 19, 2007 the Frenzy Battlegroup was merged with the six realms of the Battlegroup Cataclysm and renamed Retaliation.

The realm is named after Area 52, a neutral goblin-run town found on the southwestern most island of Netherstorm.

As of October 13th, 2019, Area 52 is one of the highest Horde population servers in North America.

According to U.S. Realm Pop (, Area 52 is 93.7% Horde and 6.3% Alliance.

Community Information and Links  

Server Milestones and Important Events  

Wrath of the Lich King

Horde Obsidian Sanctum Cleared → Vicarious - 17 Nov 2008 (Server and Battlegroup first)
Horde Naxxramas Cleared → Vicarious - 19 Nov 2008 (Server and Battlegroup first)
Horde Malygos Cleared → Vicarious - 20 Nov 2008 (Server and Battlegroup first)
Alliance Naxxramas Cleared → Raze - 24 Nov 2008 (Alliance Server first)
Alliance Malygos Cleared → Raze - 24 Nov 2008 (Alliance Server first)
Alliance Obsidian Sanctum Cleared → Raze - 24 Nov 2008 (Alliance Server first)
Horde Obsidian Sanctum 3 Drakes Cleared → Vicarious - 4 Dec 2008 (Server and Battlegroup first)
Alliance Obsidian Sanctum 3 Drakes Cleared → Raze - 18 Dec 2008 (Alliance Server first)

Burning Crusade

Horde Black Temple Cleared → Vicarious - 01 Oct 2007 (Server and Battlegroup first)
Alliance Black Temple Cleared → Raze - 31 Jan 2008 (Alliance Battlegroup first)
Horde Sunwell Plateau Cleared → Vicarious - 30 Jun 2008 (Server and Battlegroup first)

Transfers To and From

Neutral 15 Free server transfers opened to Terokkar PvE to try to relieve overpopulation. Server transfers were made available From Oct 28, 2008 through Nov 4, 2008.
Neutral 15 Free server transfers were also opened to Velen PvE, Winterhoof PvE and Wyrmrest Accord RP-PvE to aid the overpopulation issue on Area 52.

PvP Information

Area 52

Battlegroup: Retaliation

Hall of Fame

Battlegroup info
Ability Warrior ChallangeBattlegroup »
Retaliation (US) »
PvEArea 52