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Balnazzar server is a PvP server on Central Standard Time. It came online 1/2/2006. It was a medium population server during vanilla WoW, but its population has experienced a slow decline since the release of the Burning Crusade expansion. The alliance population especially suffered, prompting free character transfers to the server. As of the end of 2009, the server population is still very low, with an imbalance favoring horde.

Raid progression is slow; many Ulduar hard modes were not cleared until well after Trial of the Crusader was released. There are a few 25-man guilds on the horde side, while raiding for the alliance is abysmal. Leveling up on Balnazzar tends to make one forget that it's a PvP server. (In higher levels, a tendency for players to engage in the random dungeon and battleground tools and increasingly join regular battles for Lake Wintergrasp may contribute to a lack of high PVP activity elsewhere.) An influx of new alliance players and raiders might provide the needed disturbance to galvanise this low population server and its lackadasical patrons. Despite a more relaxed approach to playing, many Balnazzar members constitute part of a tight-knit community; and those who have transferred to other realms often return to Balnazzar.

As of April 2010, raiding has not increased on the server dramatically, though a slow trend towards a stronger alliance population is evident. Whilst historical figures have the Balnazzar population at around 70% horde, 30% alliance, recent figures are closer to a 60% horde-40% alliance split. Other notable trends include higher alliance participation in Wintergrasp raids (with horde and alliance faction numbers now regularly equal), and thus more common alliance wins for Wintergrasp. Horde attacks on major alliance cities have decreased, whilst alliance attacks on major horde cities have increased.

Balnazzar Community Links[]

  • Balnazzar Official Public Forum (Website)
  • Balnazzar PvE Progression list (Website)

Guild Progression[]



Orbital countermeasures enabled.BURN! Burn in the makers fire!Razorscale takes a deep breath...I'm ready to play!The legacy of storms shall not be undone.None shall pass!Some things are better left alone!I can fix that... or, maybe not! Sheesh, what a mess...Eonar, your servant requires aid!Behold the power of the storms and despair!Welcome to the endless winter.Your destruction will herald a new age of suffering!BOW DOWN BEFORE THE GOD OF DEATH!Witness the fury of cosmos!
Guild Ulduar
The Siege The Antechamber The Keepers The Descent into Madness The Celestial Planetarium
Ignis the Furnace Master Razorscale XT-002
of Iron
Kologarn Auriaya Mimiron Freya Thorim Hodir General Vezax Yogg-Saron Algalon the

Horde Crest Casually Serious


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone

Horde Crest Weekend Warlords


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone

Horde Crest If Ganked Will Log Main


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Undone


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone

Horde Crest IVMVI


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Undone


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Undone

Alliance Crest Southern Heroes


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Done Done Done Undone Undone Undone


Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Undone Undone Undone Undone Undone Undone Undone

Ulduar Hard Modes

Orbital countermeasures enabled.BURN! Burn in the makers fire!Razorscale takes a deep breath...I'm ready to play!The legacy of storms shall not be undone.None shall pass!Some things are better left alone!I can fix that... or, maybe not! Sheesh, what a mess...Eonar, your servant requires aid!Behold the power of the storms and despair!Welcome to the endless winter.Your destruction will herald a new age of suffering!BOW DOWN BEFORE THE GOD OF DEATH!Witness the fury of cosmos!
Guild Ulduar
The Siege The Antechamber The Keepers The Descent into Madness The Celestial Planetarium
Ignis the Furnace Master Razorscale XT-002
of Iron
Kologarn Auriaya Mimiron Freya Thorim Hodir General Vezax Yogg-Saron Algalon the

Horde Crest Casually Serious


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone

Horde Crest Weekend Warlords


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone

Horde Crest If Ganked Will Log Main


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Undone


Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone

Horde Crest IVMVI


Undone Undone Undone Undone Undone Done Undone Undone Undone Undone Undone Undone Undone Undone


Done Done Undone Done Done Done Undone Undone Undone Done Done Undone Undone Undone

Wrath of the Lich King 25-man

Your curiosity will be the death of you.Burn, you miserable wretches !- Rumble ! -Lesser beings, intruding here !
Guild Naxxramas Chamber of Aspects Vault of Archavon The Eye of Eternity
Arachnid Quarter Construct Quarter Plague Quarter Military Quarter Frostwyrm Lair Obsidian Sanctum Archavon the Stone Watcher Emalon the Storm Watcher Koralon the Flame Watcher
Alliance Crest Southern Heroes Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Undone Undone

Wrath of the Lich King 10-man

Your curiosity will be the death of you.Burn, you miserable wretches !- Rumble ! -Lesser beings, intruding here !
Guild Naxxramas Chamber of Aspects Vault of Archavon The Eye of Eternity
Arachnid Quarter Construct Quarter Plague Quarter Military Quarter Frostwyrm Lair Obsidian Sanctum Archavon the Stone Watcher Emalon the Storm Watcher Koralon the Flame Watcher
Alliance Crest Southern Heroes Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone Done

Guild List[]

Alliance Alliance[]

  • Dienasty
  • Eternal Blade
  • Ingenuity
  • Karmic Retribution - Website
  • Outcasts
  • The Raging Daisies - Website
  • Rebirth of the Slayers - Website
  • Second Family
  • The Shoe Factory
  • Southern Heroes - Website

Horde Horde[]
