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This article is a realm page for the Bladefist USrealm (server)
This is a community maintained page and does not represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences. Information and events here are for community documentation of server particulars, history, or opinion.
Bladefist is a PvE Pacific Standard Time Server in Battlegroup Whirlwind. The server launched on December 14, 2006. It was the first of the new realm openings in preparation for the launch of the Burning Crusade expansion. Launched at the same time were the realms Misha, Ravenholdt, and Maiev.
The name of the realm comes from Kargath Bladefist (a.k.a. Korgath Bladefist) who is the Warchief of the Fel Horde and Chieftain of the Shattered Hand Clan. He earned the sobriquet "Bladefist" after he cut off his own hand when he reached the station of grunt, replacing it with a deadly scythe (see The Bladefist). Hereafter, he quickly rose to the station of Chieftain of the Shattered Hand.
As of January 4th, 2011 Forewarning(Alliance) is the first guild on Bladefist to defeat Al'Akir.
As of January 7th, 2011 Forewarning(Alliance) is the first guild on Bladefist to defeat Cho'gall.
As of January 22nd, 2011 Forewarning(Alliance) is the first guild on Bladefist to defeat Nefarian.
As of April 4th, 2011 UNITY(Alliance) is the first guild on Bladefist to reach Level 25.
As of June 24th, 2011 UNITY(Alliance) is the first guild on Bladefist to defeat Heroic Nefarian.
As of July 15th, 2011 Forewarning(Alliance) is the first guild on Bladefist to defeat Ragnaros.
As of December 1st, 2011 Insurgency(Horde) is the first guild on Bladefist to defeat Deathwing.
There were frequent queues when the server first launched. The last new server launch took place in October, so players were eager to start on new servers. Bladefist was "Recommended" for a number of weeks after launch, which aggravated the issue. The queues disappeared in time.
Horde players found themselves in an empty realm. A large proportion of the players were Alliance, leaving Horde players with latency-free game-play, but at the cost of very few people to play with. However, the low server population also affected Alliance players; items were hard to find on the Auction House and instance groups were also hard to come by, so resources were in short supply.
The guild Invictus leads progression into Blackwing Lair.
The Burning Crusade[]
In 2007, the guild UNITY is among the first TBC raid guilds to be formed. Following mass transfers from the Alliance faction, the guilds Unrest and Salvation take the lead in Karazhan progression. With a new wave of realm transfers, Salvation proceeds to progress in Gruul's Lair. Karazhan groups become more plentiful with the influx of players, boosting server morale.
Salvation (A) and Exodus (H) are later reformed as Vindication and Resilience, allowing Unrest to seize the lead in Eye of Eternity progression. Vindication and Resilience soon regain their respective lead of each faction, however, in both Eye of Eternity and Serpentshrine Cavern. The Horde guilds Facta Non Verba and Omen, in turn, form an alliance for their respective progression.
In 2008, Unrest retakes the lead in progression following the transfer of several Vindication members to Stormrage US. On the Horde faction, Resilience disbands, bolstering the ranks of the guild Altered Existence, which quickly takes the lead in Eye of Eternity and Serpentshrine Cavern, downing Lady Vashj in early March, followed by Unrest, Facta non Verba, Cataclysm, Only the Strong, and Amaze.
In April, Unrest is the first guild on Bladefist to down Kael'Thas Sunstrider. Lady Vashj is defeated by Relentless, Vindication, and UNITY.
As of June 29, 2008 Crimson Fury (H) is the first guild on Bladefist to down Illidan Stormrage, and soon takes the lead in Sunwell Plateau progression. UNITY later follows with the defeat of Archimonde and Illidan.
As of October 29, 2008 Crimson Fury is the first guild on Bladefist to down Kil'Jaeden. The legendary bow [Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury] is awarded to the hunter Nolyn. Unrest in turn completes Sunwell the very next day.