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RP-PvPDie Todeskrallen
Server Name[]
The german realm "Die Todeskrallen" is named after the powerful dragonkin clan of the Death Talon at the Blackwing Lair. See Death Talon Captains, Death Talon Flamescales, Death Talon Seethers, Death Talon Wyrmkin
The realm started in November 2005 as a new kind of server types: RP-PvP.
Server Population[]
Sometimes the realm is flagged as "low" populated, sometimes the realm is "middle" populated. In fact there are 5,476 characters according to the armory analysis of
Alliance and Horde are almost equal (46.2% to 53.8%). Although the numbers of players are low the activity is generally speaking good.
In the last month since the Burning Crusade was released several raid guilds have tried to reach the tier 6-instances but have collapsed. Lady Vashj and Kael'thas were too hard for some guilds. Thereby some players were discouraged and impatient. So they went to realms with a better progression like Blackrock or Arthas
Now most guild have finished clearing Karazhan and are looking into the Serpentshrine.
Most of the time you can find groups to do heroics or quests. In the majority of cases you will find helpful people for your tasks.
The realm is a RPPvP realm therefore open pvp is common and practised. The queries for battlegrounds are short.
The realm pool is very strong with good pvp servers like Blackrock, Aszhara or Arthas.
The best arena teams of the realm have a rating of 2000+ (5v5) or 2400 (2v2). Finding a good arena team could be hard.
Raids & Boss Kills[]
According to [1] the realm has the 184. place of 236 realms.
No guild has till now to manage to break Kael'thas resistence.
date: 17.05.07 source: Realm Forum
- Karazhan clear: Crusader, Uralter Hass, Ascardia, Draconis, Kalimdors Erben, Dark Riders
- Gruul clear: Uralter Hass, Crusader, Kalimdors Erben
- Doomwalker down: Crusader/Ascardia (17.5.07)
- Kazzak down: Crusader/Ascardia (20.5.07)
- Karazhan clear: Vanen, Black Sun, In Rage, XLII
- Gruul clear: Vanen, Black Sun, In Rage, Rent a Hero, Itami, XLII
- Magtheridon down: Black Sun, XLII
- Kazzak down: XLII
- Serpent Shrine: the lurker below: XLII
- FDS: Voidreaver: XLII
Most known guilds[]
- Crusader
- Draconis
- Ascardia
- Kalimdors Erben
- Strenge Hand (RP-guild)
- Kalimdors Späher (RP-guild)
- Karthasis (former Invictus Spiritus)
- Kräutartestah
- Dark Riders
- Volksfront Gadgetzan
- Sturmschreiter (RP-guild)
- Die Hüter der Schatten
- Uralter Hass (pvp-only, RP guild)
- Wolfsrudel
- Pain
- Schwarze Seelen
- Club of gore
- Das alte Volk
- Armee der Finsternis
- Wächter der Gurubashi
- Draconis Extinctor
- Zunft des Grauens
- Gruppe Acht
- The Exiled
- Zorca Stamm (RP-guild,troll-only)
- seelenschinder
- Azeroths Böse Saat
- Schwarze Seelen
- Hellscreams Horde
- Lordaerons Flamme (RP-Guild)
- Inferno
- Blutklingen
- Das alte Volk
- Club of gore
- Sturm der Elemente
- Boten der Apokalypse
- Ravenbrothers (disbanded?)
- disbanded: Humani ite domum (disbanded?)
- disbanded: Orden der Horde
- disbanded: Insei
- disbanded: Hoch wie Ehre (separation of Uralter Hass)
- disbanded: Abitus Mortis
- disbanded: Weltenwanderer
- disbanded: Vinculi Noctis
- disbanded?: Wallys
- Erben des Alten Reiches
- Ehrenwache (RP-guild)
- Headhunters
- Black Sun
- Legion Der Sonne
- Die Blutabkömmlinge
- Des Königs weisse Legion
- Krieger Des Feuers
- In Rage (disbanded)
- In Media Res(disbanded)
- Tuatha de Dannan
- Nachtschatten
- Klingensturm
- Tyrngaardes Ende
- Tyrs Vergeltung
- Æxinferis
- Sancta Nox
- Die Todesengel
- Streiter der Berge
- Des Reiches Rote Reiter (RP-guild)
- Blutmond
- Bund der Träumer
- Disbanded: Pain Inc
- disbanded: Illuminati (merged with Vanen)
- disbanded: Vanen
External links[]