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EU-Gilneas (PvE-Server)[]

Gilneas is a First-Generation Server and it was also the first european PVE-Server which finished the Ahn'Qiraj War Effort and also The Battle for Sun's Reach.

Onyxia's Lair[]

The first Onyxia kills for Alliance and Horde were by ST.A.R. (Storm Alliance Raid Group) † and Memento Mori †, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Memento Mori † on 2005/06/04

Molten Core[]

The first Ragnaros kills for Alliance and Horde were by ST.A.R. (Storm Alliance Raid Group) † and Memento Mori †, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Memento Mori † on 2005/07/28

Blackwing Lair[]

The first Nefarian kills for Alliance and Horde were by ST.A.R. (Storm Alliance Raid Group) † and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by ST.A.R. † on 2005/11/17


The first C'Thun kills by Alliance and Horde was by ImmortalSunrise and MooN respectively. First Server Kill was done by ImmortalSunrise on 2006/05/29


The first Kel'Thuzad kills by Alliance was by ImmortalSunrise respectively. First Server Kill was done by ImmortalSunrise on 2007/01/10

Gruul's Lair[]

The first Gruul the Dragonkiller kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and Immolate, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/03/18

Magtheridon's Lair[]

The first Magtheridon kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/04/01

Serpentshrine Cavern[]

The first Lady Vashj kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/06/17

The Eye (Tempest Keep)[]

The first Kael'thas Sunstrider kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/07/31

Battle of Mount Hyjal[]

The first Archimonde kills for Alliance and Horde were by Senseless and MooN, respectively. First Server Kill was done by Senseless on 2007/09/13


Alliance Alliance Guilds[]


Horde Horde Guilds[]

Alliance Alliance Grand Marshal Players[]

  • Achor, Paladin
  • Aerowen, Warrior
  • Alviko, Rogue
  • Battleangel, Warrior
  • Calrissian, Mage
  • Inwe, Hunter
  • Lanah, Hunter
  • Minx, Paladin (First Alliance Rank 14 Player)
  • Miracoulix, Druid
  • Nephthys, Hunter
  • Sethanon, Warrior
  • Twilight, Warrior
  • Whitefox, Warrior
  • Wynne, Warlock
  • Yook, Mage

Horde Horde High Warlord Players[]

  • Blazze, Rogue
  • Celice, Priest
  • Chainsaw, Hunter
  • Conyc, Mage (First Horde Rank 14 Player)
  • Cón, Warrior (Last Horde Rank 14 Player)
  • Duratos, Warrior
  • Goefaz, Warrior
  • Holówman, Warrior
  • Kima, Warrior
  • Reiti, Warrior

  • Note: Conyc is just a twink of Cón, he got 2 Rank 14 Characters.



The flag of Gilneas

Widely used forum for this server is (german only). The current instance progression of both Alliance and Horde can also be found there.
