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PvEGrizzly Hills

This article is a realm page for the Grizzly Hills US realm (server)

This is a community maintained page and does not represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences. Information and events here are for community documentation of server particulars, history, or opinion.

Grizzly Hills (Also known as "The Hills") is a PvE realm that opened on November 13th, 2008, with the release of Wrath of the Lich King. It has a population of 8,800 players.

Guild Progression[]

Guild Antorus, the Burning Throne
Final Encounter 2/11 Mythic
Icon 2/11 Mythic
Exodus 2/11 Mythic
Squishies Revenge 9/11 Heroic
Energy 8/11 Heroic

Guilds of Grizzly Hills[]

Grizzly Hills External Links[]

Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Guild Leader Guild Leader
Final Encounter Teariall Icon Daylektra
Exodus Handoflight Squishies Revenge Ladga
Energy Zorrin