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Realms  Khadgar US (PvE)

This article is a realm page for the Khadgar US realm (server)

This is a community maintained page and does not represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences. Information and events here are for community documentation of server particulars, history, or opinion.

Khadgar US is a Eastern Timezone Server.

Khadgar is fairly very highly populated server, with the most recent Census results (Feb 2009, from indicating an overall population of a little over 18,000 players. According to the Official Server Statuspage, the realm is Medium.


OMG Khadgar!

The namesake for our realm is Khadgar, who led an Alliance Expedition to the orc homeworld and closed the Dark Portal from the other side. Khadgar, now an advisor to the naaru called A'dal, can be found at the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City, located in the western borders of Terokkar Forest in Outland.

Khadgar Crafting List[]

Server Population Statistics[]

According to the Warcraft server population-tracking website Warcraft Realms, Khadgar's Alliance player population exceeds the Horde player population. The reported ratio has ranged from 2:1

Statistics as of 17-February-2009:

Khadgar Population
Levels 10-80
Level 80 only
Alliance Alliance: 12,220 (67%) Horde Horde: 6,128 (33%) Alliance Alliance: 4,278 (68%) Horde Horde: 2,002 (32%)
By Race

By Class

By Race

By Class

By Race

By Class

By Race

By Class

18,348 (2 Alliance : 1 Horde)
6,280 (2.1 Alliance : 1 Horde)

Server progression[]

Progression Table[]

Top Ten Guilds[]

Only the top 10 guilds are shown here. Ranks are based on kills and the time of kill. This is for 25-man mode.

Your curiosity will be the death of you.Burn, you miserable wretches !- Rumble ! -Lesser beings, intruding here !
Guild Naxxramas Chamber of Aspects Vault of Archavon The Eye of Eternity
Arachnid Quarter Construct Quarter Plague Quarter Military Quarter Frostwyrm Lair Obsidian Sanctum Archavon the Stone Watcher Emalon the Storm Watcher Koralon the Flame Watcher
Horde Crest Heroic Age Done Done Done Done Done Done+3 Done Done Undone Undone
Horde Crest Death Strikers Done Done Done Done Done Done+3 Done Done Undone Undone
Horde Crest Voltage Done Done Done Done Done Done+3 Done Done Undone Undone
Alliance Crest Rave Done Done Done Done Done Done+3 Done Done Undone Undone
Alliance Crest Epic Weapons Vendor Done Done Done Done Done Done+3 Done Done Undone Undone
Alliance Crest Archaic Done Done Done Done Done Done+3 Done Done Undone Undone
Alliance Crest Apatheia Done Done Done Done Done Done+3 Done Done Undone Undone
Horde Crest Havoc Done Done Done Done Done Done+3 Done Done Undone Undone
Horde Crest Hordish Inquistion Done Done Done Done Done Done+2 Done Done Undone Undone
Alliance Crest Rapture Done Done Done Done Done Done+2 Done Done Undone Undone

Burning Crusade Top Ten Guilds[]

Progress before Patch 3.0.2

Surely you did not think you could win.Come... and die.Your time ends now ! Bow to my will.You are not prepared !Chaos ! Destruction ! Oblivion !
Guild Karazhan Zul'Aman Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Battle for Mount Hyjal Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Horde Crest Voltage Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done M'uru
Alliance Crest Rapture Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Eredar Twins
Horde Crest Heroic Age Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Brutallus
Horde Crest Death Strikers Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Kalecgos
Alliance Crest Apatheia Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Kalecgos
Alliance Crest Archaic Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Kalecgos
Horde Crest Havoc Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done 5/6
Alliance Crest Epic Weapons Vendor Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone
Horde Crest Volatile Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone
Horde Crest Hordish Inquisition Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Undone

Isle of Quel'Danas Progression[]

  • First in Battlegroup Stormstrike to Open Portal.
  • Second in Battlegroup Stormstrike to complete Monument & Reach Phases 3 & 4.

Guilds of Khadgar[]

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Factiongfx/faction_tip_link.json' not found. Alliance »

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Factiongfx/faction_tip_link.json' not found. Horde »

Server Firsts[]

Boss Guild
Rage Winterchill HordeRemnant
Anetheron HordeRemnant
Kaz'Rogal HordeRemnant
Azgalor HordeRemnant
Archimonde AllianceRebirth
High Warlord Nij'entus HordeRemnant
Supremus HordeRemnant
Shade of Akama HordeRemnant
Teron Gorefiend HordeRemnant
Gurtogg Bloodboil HordeRemnant
Reliquary of Souls HordeRemnant
Mother Shahraz AllianceRebirth
Illidari Council AllianceRebirth
Illidan Stormrage AllianceRebirth
Kalecgos AllianceRebirth
Brutallus HordeRemnant
Felmyst HordeRemnant
Eredar Twins HordeVoltage
M'uru HordeVoltage
Kil'jaeden HordeVoltage
Obsidian Sanctum (25) HordeVoltage
Naxxramas (25) HordeVoltage
Eye of Eternity (25) HordeVoltage
Obsidian Sanctum (3 drake) (25) HordeHeroic Age