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PvEKul Tiras

The flag of Kul Tiras
The European Kul Tiras is a Normal (PvE) server with a medium-population. Its primary language is English and it uses Central European Time.
The official forum is at Kul Tiras forum. The unofficial community forum does not exist anymore.
- Adventurers of the Realm - Webpage
- Aggro Raiders - Webpage
- AnarchyNinetyNine - Webpage
- Angelz and Demonz
- Anatolia - Webpage
- ArchAngles
- Army of Idiots - Webpage
- Aurora Borealis - Webpage
- Autumn Twilight
- Azeroth Alliance - Webpage
- Bad Boys For Life
- Broken fang - Webpage
- Brotherhood of Steel - Webpage
- Call of the Wild - Webpage
- Champions Eternal
- Chaotic Discipline
- Chilled - Webpage
- Conquistadores - Webpage
- Cynic
- D E I
- Darksun
- Dead Evil - Webpage
- Defiance - Webpage
- Determined - Webpage
- Devils Rejects - Webpage
- Dogma - Disbanded
- Dead Dragons
- Drunk Dragons - Webpage
- Dutchclan
- Dutchclan Raid - Webpage
- Element - Webpage
- Eminence - Webpage
- Endless Scream
- Epics for Dummies - Webpage
- Equivalent - Webpage
- Eternal Flame
- Fallen ArchAngels - Webpage
- Family Ties - Webpage
- Forkrul Assail - Webpage
- Fusion - Webpage
- G O F - Webpage
- Ghostbusters - Webpage
- Greek Gods Of Olympous
- Have a Nice Day
- Hope Is Kindled - Webpage
- Icaria
- Illuminati - Webpage
- Incarnate - Webpage
- Immortal Guardians
- Impervious - Webpage
- Judgement
- Karma - Webpage
- Knights of Poland
- Knights of the Light
- Know Your Enemy
- Legendy CZ - Webpage
- Moonlight Council - Webpage
- Naked Squad
- Northern Legion - Webpage
- NullPointerException
- Oldies but Goldies
- Order of Poland
- Ottoman
- Ownage Raiders
- Phoenix Rising
- Pretentious - Webpage
- Project - Webpage
- Quintessence - Webpage
- Quintrophenia - Webpage
- Raidgroup Two
- Random - Webpage
- Rampage I - Webpage
- Rather be fishing - Webpage
- Repentance - Webpage
- Rinascimento - Webpage
- Sarastus - Webpage
- Senatus Redux - Webpage
- Soldiers of Elune - Webpage
- Sonata Artica - Webpage
- Spike Flail - Webpage
- Spirande Stormakt
- Spirited Away - Webpage
- Splinter Cell - Webpage
- Super Freaks
- Synthesis - Webpage
- Swedish Battlegroup
- The Order of Ares
- The Unworthies
- The Wheel of Time
- Toxicate - Webpage
- Tur anion - Webpage
- Undutchebles
- Vallhall - Webpage
- Vanish
- Vanquish - Webpage
- Vegas - Webpage
- Vinco Regnum - Webpage
- Vintage Stuff
- Witenagemot - Webpage
- Wolf Pack - Webpage
- World Star Alliance
- Wowrush Rushers - Webpage
- Arcana Imperii - Webpage
- Avatars of Kul Tiras - Webpage
- Calidus - Webpage
- Elysium - Webpage
- FinaL Words - Webpage
- Forsaken Sunrise - Webpage
- Never Forgotten - Webpage
- Regulators - Webpage
- Shadows of Doom - Webpage
- The Undead Guardians - Webpage
- Unforgivens - Webpage
- Vengeance - Webpage
Top 10 Guilds of Kul Tiras[]
- The below Guilds are rated on bosses down in Ulduar.
- 1- Element [Alliance] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 8 hard modes)
- 2- Behind my Camel [Horde] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 6 hard modes)
- 3- Quintessence [Alliance] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 6 hard modes)
- 4- Synthesis [Alliance] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 6 hard modes)
- 5- Vanquish [Alliance] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 4 hard mode)
- 6- Pendulum [Horde] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 3 hard mode)
- 7- Random [Alliance] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 3 hard mode)
- 8- Shadows of Doom [Horde] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 2 hard mode)
- 9- Pretentious [Alliance] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 1 hard mode)
- 10- Calidus [Horde] - Webpage (Yogg-Saron, 1 hard mode)
PvE Progress (Wrath of the Lich King - Patch 3.0)[]
Glory of the Raider (25 player): Alliance: completed. Horde: not completed.
- Naxxramas (25-man): Alliance: Fully cleared,
The Immortal completed. Horde: Fully cleared.
- Malygos (25-man): Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared, 6 minute kill completed.
- Sartharion (25-man): Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared, hard mode completed.
- Naxxramas (25-man): Alliance: Fully cleared,
Glory of the Raider (10 player): Alliance & Horde: completed.
- Naxxramas (10-man): Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared,
The Undying completed.
- Malygos (10-man): Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared,
6 minute kill completed.
- Sartharion (10-man): Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared,
hard mode completed.
- Naxxramas (10-man): Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared,
PvE Progress (Burning Crusade)[]
- Sunwell Plateau: Alliance: Fully cleared. Horde: 3/6 before 3.0 patch, cleared post-3.0 at 70.
- Black Temple: Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared.
- Battle for Mount Hyjal: Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared.
- Tempest Keep: Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared.
- Serpentshrine Cavern: Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared.
- Magtheridon's Lair: Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared.
- Gruul's Lair: Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared.
- Karazhan: Alliance & Horde: Fully cleared.
PvE Progress (Classic)[]
- Naxxramas:
- Frostwyrm Lair
- Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad both undefeated at level 60; defeated at level 70.
- Abomination Wing: Fully cleared.
- Plague Wing: Fully cleared.
- Spider Wing: Fully cleared.
- Deathknight Wing
- The Four Horsemen: Undefeated at level 60; defeated at level 70 after Burning Crusade.
- Gothik the Harvester: Defeated.
- Instructor Razuvious: Defeated.
- Frostwyrm Lair
- Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40): Fully cleared.
- Blackwing Lair: Fully cleared.
- Molten Core: Fully cleared.
- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20): Fully cleared.
- Zul'Gurub: Fully cleared.