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This article is a realm page for the Moonrunner US realm (server)

This is a community maintained page and does not represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences. Information and events here are for community documentation of server particulars, history, or opinion.

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Server (Realm) Name: Moonrunner
Server Type: PvE
Server Location (physical): US, Pacific
PvP Battlegroup: Shadowburn

Guilds on Server "Moonrunner"[]

Guilds of this Realm, and links to more information about the listed guild.

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Factiongfx/faction_tip_link.json' not found. Alliance »

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Factiongfx/faction_tip_link.json' not found. Horde »

Level 80 Heroic Raid Progression[]

Guild Naxxramas Obsidian Sanctum Eye of Eternity

Untold Retribution Cleared Cleared*** Cleared
Internal Affairs Cleared Cleared*** Cleared
Silent Resurgence Cleared Cleared*** Cleared
Equitas Cleared Cleared*** Cleared
Gods of War Cleared Cleared*** Cleared
Bladestorm Cleared Cleared*** Cleared
Phoenix Rising Cleared Cleared*** Cleared

Bread and the Circus Cleared Cleared*** Cleared

Sovereign Cleared Cleared** Cleared

Defiant Cleared Cleared** Cleared
Night Watch Cleared Cleared** Cleared

Grimskull Confederacy Cleared Cleared*** Cleared

Production Company Cleared Cleared** Cleared

Red Tear Cleared
The Good Bad and Ugly Cleared Cleared* Cleared
Guild Naxxramas Obsidian Sanctum Eye of Eternity

Words Under My Name Cleared Cleared*** Cleared
[Overdose] Cleared Cleared*** Cleared
Late Night Crew Cleared Cleared** Cleared
[Unforgiven] Cleared Cleared** Cleared
Silent Reality Cleared Cleared* Cleared
Evolution Cleared Cleared**
The Pride Cleared
[Seven] Cleared
Eastern Mayhem Cleared Cleared* Cleared



Obsidian Sanctum

Eye of Eternity

Level 70 Raid Progression[]

Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Mount Hyjal Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Internal Affairs Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared PreNerf
Silent Resurgence Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared K, B, F, T, M
Equitas Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared K, B
Gods of War Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared N, S, A, T, B, R, M
Bladestorm Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Alliance Optimus Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Phoenix Rising Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared N, S, A, T, B
Bread and the Circus Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared N, S, A, T, B
Sovereign Cleared Cleared Cleared A, V, S W, A, K N, S, A
Serenity Cleared Cleared B, T, K, L A, V, S
Defiant Cleared Cleared Cleared V, A, S W, A N, S, A, T
Night Watch Cleared Cleared H, B, T, K, L A, V, S W
Grimskull Confederacy Cleared Cleared H, B, T, K, L A, V, S W, A
Stronghold Cleared Cleared H, B, L V, S
Production Company Cleared Cleared H, B V, S
Terra Australus Cleared Cleared H, B, T, K, L A, V, S W
[Order of Golden Fries] Cleared Cleared B V, S
[Prairie Doggin] Cleared Cleared B V
Honored Exiles Cleared Cleared V, S
[AlamaK] Cleared B V
Last Stand Cleared Cleared H B T K L A V S W A
[Tyana] Cleared V
Red Tear Cleared B
The Good Bad and Ugly Cleared Cleared
[Fenrir] Cleared
[Revolt] Cleared
[Syzygy] Cleared
Crass Cleared
[Servants of None] M V
Dirty Little Secret Cleared
Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Mount Hyjal Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Paradigm Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared K, B
Fatal Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared W, A, K, Z N, S, A, T, B
Silent Reality Cleared Cleared H, B, T, K, L A, V, S W, A, K, Z N, S, A, T
Evolution Cleared Cleared H, B, T, K, L A, V, S W, A, K, Z N, S, A
Words Under My Name Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared W, A, K, Z N, S
The Pride Cleared Cleared H, B, T, K, L V, S W
WUMN PUGS Cleared Cleared A, V, S
The Departed Cleared Cleared B A, V, S
Symbiosis Cleared Cleared B V, S
Late Night Crew Cleared Cleared H, B, T, K, L A, V, S W, A N, S
For the Win Cleared B V
Diplomats Cleared Cleared V

Illidan Stormrage

Gruul's Lair


Serpentshrine Cavern

The Eye

Battle of Mount Hyjal

Black Temple

Sunwell Plateau

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Factiongfx/faction_tip_link.json' not found. Alliance Level 60 End Game Progression[]

Guild Name Molten Core   Blackwing Lair   AQ40   Naxxramas   Other Bosses   Karazhan   Gruul's Lair
L M G G B S S G D R R V B F E F C N S 3 S F V H E O C P R U T I O 4 N H L A F M S K O A K T E L Y A M I N H R S C M B W R C S N P M G
Equitas X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Gods of War X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Oh Snap X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Ünity X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
[Fill-in template]
  • This is as of December 24, 2007 at 08:45 pm CST

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Factiongfx/faction_tip_link.json' not found. Horde End Game Progression[]

Guild Name Molten Core   Blackwing Lair   AQ40   Naxxramas   Pre-BC Other Bosses   Karazhan   BC Other Bosses
L M G G B S S G D R R V B F E F C N S 3 S F V H E O C P R U T I O 4 N H L A F M S K O A K T E L Y A M I N H R S C M B W R C S N P M G M
Beginning of the End X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Council of Shadows X X X X X X X X X X X X
Dark Iron Zergers X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Evolution X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Invictus X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Kalimdor Slackers X X X X X X X X X X X
Numinous X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Paradigm X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Words Under My Name X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Peon Action Party X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
  • This is as of December 2nd, 2007 at 1:57 am CST

Realm News[]

Moonrunner is a laid-back server, ideal for any player of any mindset. We have many guilds on Alliance side that cleared H Naxx, H Sarth and H Malygos but there are also few Horde guilds that have H Naxx, H Sarth and H Malygos cleared. Although there is a large difference between Alliance and Horde 4:1, you can always find on both factions great people to interact with. Trade channel is full of bored 13 year olds. PvP is also dead on the server, to many Carebears who prefer raiding over PvP, (Why can't you do both?)

Untold Retribution, run by Jadestorm, repeatedly spams trade every few hours looking for new members. The average time a member is in the guild is 1 week. About 90% of the server was in Untold Retribution. Everyone ends up leaving, yet, the guild is always getting new members, probably transfers...

For realm news & discussion, see WoW Moonrunner Forums.


  • Moonrunner is the only server in the game that is not named for something. Not even a random Priestess of the Moon in WCIII. (It was, however, the name of a Role-Playing Gamebook, from which MMORPG's were born)
  • Infernal Affairs has fully cleared Black Temple, and getting a server first kill of Illidan.Silent Resurgence killed Illidan the following week.
  • Infernal Affairs has first server kill of M'uru in Sunwell Plateau Aug 4th, 2008. Silent Resurgence killed M'uru the following week.
  • Pre-BC, the best guild on the server was Oh Snap. They have since rerolled on Dragonmaw, after Silent Resurgence beat them in progression.
  • Oh Snap has since beat Silent Resurgence to the Kil'jaeden kill.
  • Server is alive on Ally side. Horde side is dead. Most hordies gave up and began playing AoC.
  • Alliance outnumber Horde 3 to 1.
  • Alliance have control over Hallaa almost 100% of the time, as well as the Spirit Towers in Terrokar forest and Zangarmarsh.
  • The two most fierce and progressed Alliance guilds on the server are Infernal Affairs and Silent Resurgence; the best Horde guild was Paradigm until they all transfered to a PvP server.

Recognizable, Famous or Infamous Players
Name Their Claim To Fame
Anarky The Guild Leader of Divine Twilight runs fail raids and yet seems to keep guild members while also bashing every single one of them some think his wife keeps them in.
Amedin Epic mage that was hacked by someone he believes to be Russian. Was the person who made Goldshire a cool place to hangout until people ruined it.
Anakins The infamous Guild Leader of Dark Iron Zergers. After transferring he lead yet another failed guild. Following that guild's failure he again transferred taking the entire contents of the guild bank. Current whereabouts unknown.
AndrewV Notorius troll and drama instigator circa 2006
Anything For being an amusing guild-hopper who teases guilds with his epeen and then leaves them quickly when he gets bored
Cadyn Duelist Rogue, known for Ninja'ing and spamming trade channel. About 90% of the server blacklisted him. Soon transferred.
Crosier and Microwaved The two responsible for running L2P, the biggest twink guild on the Alliance.
Dodgin Dual-boxing Mage famous for running a Mage/Mage combo in Season 4. Ended up in the top 50 in the world with that combo. Soon transferred.
Foz Angry aussy that was always fun on vent after a few beers. Thought Steve Irwin was an over rated blowhard since "crocs are everywhere in Australia and you have to wrestle 3 just to check your mail in the morning."
Goggles A god among Druids, is rarely seen anymore.
Higensou Joined Diplomats and cleared lower Karazhan, then left for Jetpack Pirate Ninjas who finished upper Karazhan. Shows no remorse or regret for ninjaing the raid ID.Claims to have "Not Known" it would happen.
Jarrok Will forever be known for driving the horde ZA bear runs for 8k
Jehriel Rolled a Blood Elf Paladin to dps. Sits outside Durotar nearly 24/7 and uses a lot of engineering rockets. Admin of Transfered to a PvP server.
Jungora Rerolled a retadin Jungxlight... he just can't stay away from gimp classes.
Krevice Old school player, famously known for his laid back beer runs. In other words, "Raiding" late night with a small group of friends and pugs, hoping to see some progression.
Laklu Troll rogue infamous for camping Westfall's Defias Traitor since before level 60. Also led one of the biggest Horde guilds to date, BoyZ N The HordeZ from Moonrunner's start that was short lived currently playes a deathknight named Bannic in Unholy Elders.
Lemmiwinks Lawl Lemmiwinks (he actually transferred a while back, but he gets an honorable mention).
Lizle Has the worst Druid healing spec in the world, only a complete idiot could come up with a talent spec that bad. But made it work. (pwnd)
Lowpass Guild Leader of Supremacy, MR's strongest Horde guild for first year. Guild xferred.
Mootman Known for being godly in shapes and forms imaginable. Also goes by: Moot, Dadude, Mootreborn, Pro Beyond Reason, and naturally Mr. Moonrunner. And as a final note.......Danbear Fails...that is all.
Mordrend and Semm Collectively known for thier larger than life sized man-love, and their fearlessness in sharing it with the server
Murderfail His name says it all "fail". Crys about everything and if he doesn't get his way he has been known.
Narith Rogue known for his obsession with raiding Razor Hill, and his firm belief in Skill>Gear.
Natureballs Vanilla WoW skilled PVPer known for his cack
Neji Ret paladin, longtime player on Moonrunner, has sworn never to respec healing again.
Phlow Remembered as a drama queen and causing all kinds of popcorn passing by thousands in trade and server forums
Pintrin Known to himself as one of the best Rogues in the world during Season 1. Hemo-Subtlety was said to be created because of Pintrin. Creator of (Top Rogue website). He should have gotten at least Gladiator. Rumor has it that he died in a car crash.
Pistis Co-Leader of Jetpack Pirate Ninjas- Promotes the idea that anyone should be able to raid
Puzzle Achieved battle ground rank of Grand Marshal leading a WSG team that included several other current or soon to be GMs. Often the lowest rank on the alliance side WSG teams he lead was Marshal. Now a dentist in Eygpt.
Rexin Left Fatal because Jungora ninja'd his BM hunter lewt from Mt. Hyjal. Joined Overdose, then left to PvP, Then server trasnfered both his toons (Rexin, Leban) to play with Tekion (Austrailian who cries alot).
Res Guild Leader of Phoenix Rising verbally abuses guildies while drunk leading a raid, only keeps members because of raid times which are Eastern Standard
Ryzzalar is not Rhylazar...
Soedrin Pre-BC pvp shadow priest who achieved the rank of Field Marshal while racking up 75K+ HKs prior to cross realm battle grounds. Often found in Orgrimmar killing flagged horde while taunting onlookers.
Soulscreams Probably the worst warrior Moonrunner has ever seen. He is always complaing about everything. Also got g-kicked from Overdose for masturbaiting over Vent with Pistis.
SugaShane Mr. Ashkandi, A member of Dark Iron Zergers. Signed the original guild roaster joining with 8/8 valor to aq40 gear/Ashkandi. Known as Mr. Ashkandi.
Sykkoo Fail Mage


Hung like a Canadian Mouse. Which is much smaller than a caribou or llama.
Therand One of the longest lived players on Moonrunner. Having played since 2006 he has never server-transfered or deviated from the Alliance. He still doesn't know how to play, but he's fun. 
UAE Another oldschool player known for running BG teams to 5min WSG wins and 6 minute AB wins
Veer A gnome who loves to join and leave guilds constantly. Had many fans on the world LFG channel.
Verec A Nelf often seen in LFG after veer has left, often thought to be the same person, had a terribad hate for hunters.
Zarahbeth Spends weeks at a time guarding the AH bridge. Also killed Billy Mays.
Zomgbigmike One of the self proclaimed best MS warriors from level 70, this warrior has seen something but he doesnt know what it is. Too bad nobody knows who he is.

