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This article is a realm page for the Sunstrider Europe realm (server) This is a community maintained page and does not represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences. Information and events here are for community documentation of server particulars, history, or opinion. |
EU Sunstrider is a PvP realm that was opened in early 2005. The realm soon became somewhat different from other realms due to it having it's own forums at months before other realms got theirs through Due to these forums the players from each faction got to know their opponents, to love and hate them stronger than ever before.
The community is quite strong, with active communication between Guilds, especially those on top of the food chain. There is a constant race going on to achieve goals of the endgame content, and this race can be watched through the forums. Even though the "endgame race" came to quite a halt with guilds such as Randoms, Razzamataz and Substance disbanding, and horde side being more or less dead, leaving Unknown Entity as the only real hardcore guild, competition have surfaced with the release of Sunwell Plateau, Unknown Entity getting server first yet again, with the horde guild Border Ruffians announcing their kill a mere 9 minutes later.
Sunstrider was for period known for it's worse than normal latency issues, often referred to as 'Lagstrider' in game, but these issues now seem to have diminished after the highly anticipated and much needed hardware-upgrades for The Burning Crusade. In truth, many of these latency issues where solved the summer of 2006 already, but the release of the Burning Crusade did erase all problems, more or less.
Sunstrider is also well famed with the server's private Molten Core rare spawn mob Magadar. Magadar is assumed to be sister of Magmadar. Not much of her drops are known about this NPC but it is generally considered as "Epix". Recently there is a myth that claims reporting "Magadar Down!" on raid instances general chat brings players huge reputation from other players. This speciality is also considered as a hidden ability of the mob. No guild is yet to kill this famed beast, not even the truly hardcore guilds have even attempted it, and it's presence have not been detected since a Karazhan raid in November 2007.
The opening of paid character migration hit Sunstrider hard, espicially the horde side. Progressed guilds such as Exodus, Legacy and Hybris had to disband simply because of the lack of a geared/dedicated horde playerbase. Most of the members from these guilds migrated, although quite a bit found a home in Nazgrels Henchmen, who themselves had lost a 20-30'ish members to migration. But eventually, Nazgrels Henchman were forced to toss in the towel aswell, and Horde-raiding progress was declared dead. The best guilds left on horde would for a long time not kill anything but Nefarian, and progress in AQ40 and Naxxramas was non existing.
Alliance-side was screaming for competition PvE-wise, as more and more horde-players migrated from this "dying" realm. The trend has now seem to taken a sudden turn. It seems that Sunstrider has had frequent visits by "spies" representing various guilds on different realms seeking luck and new adventures on another realm than their old. The first batch of players seem to have been from the guild <Mythic> (previously stationed on Shattered Halls), followed by <Cry More> (previously stationed on Laughing Skull) with Xandrika and Vard as the highest profiled players. Vard has a history of creating quite popular realm-events on his previous realm, and the community looks forward to take part of these events. The Sunstrider-community gave the newcomers a warm welcome. Both Alliance and Horde. Xandrika was quick to organize an Alliance vs Horde match in Tanaris. The event was organized mainly through Even though Alliance was hit by a lagspike that allowed the already awaiting horde guilds to kill most of the non-fighting Alliance players - Xandrika was given a honorable death by Cozur - who immediatly posted a video on The fight was declared a "no-winners" match seeing as the Horde leader was dead, and the Alliance leaders offline. Later on, the Horde raided Ironforge and killed the King, prompting the Alliance to kill Thrall. However, no other events such as this have been organized for quite some time.
Horde progress was hit in the groin when Border Ruffians disbanded due to one of their rogues ninja'ing a Warglaive off Illidan. Even though Aphorism had surpassed Border Ruffians a long time ago, it was still a major blow to the horde side seeing their second best guild go down the drain.
Today in 2012, there are still a few guilds that are struggling to survive due to the lack of players that Sunstrider has suffered, many players have become involved in trying to get blizzard to open up free migration for other realms to Sunstrider, but yet everything seems to be in vain .
The Horde has come back to Sunstrider but at a price, the Alliance side now has major problems with both the economy and manning of raids, but there are three guilds that fared particularly well in all the chaos that hit Sunstrider's alliance, Respawned, The thundercats, Ducks of Doom and Nightshade , the aforementioned guild names has come into the heroic Content. Nightshade remain the longest running guild on the server at over 8 consecutive years as of 2012. Nightshade will continue to progress into Mists of Pandaria with continued hopes of an increased population along with Zen and The ThunderCats who appear to be taking in new members for The Mists of Pandaria also.
Lead by the Deathknight Bundee, Guild master of Malice in wonderland, The Alliances now march into the very heart of Orgrimmar to kill Garrosh. What they do not know is that the Horde has already been warned of the Alliances advances towards Orgrimmar and are now ready to face them. Unfortunately the Alliances are not enough to bring down Garrosh, But they had a good time trying.
Video of the raid :
Alliance side still have major problems with auction house and recruiting. Several guilds has left the server, previously mentioned Respawned is now stationed at Frostmane realm. Emo left to horde side, Borderline insanity to Silvermoon. Happy Tree friends disbanded and most of them left for horde side.
Still there is many players leaving alliance side for other realms or horde side. Guilds are doing their best to keep them. But the majority of players on the realm is Horde which makes it difficult for Alliance players to do dailies or other world events such as Sha of Anger.
PvE-wise there's five guilds progressing in Mist of Pandaria for the alliance side:
The thundercats
Liian Hyvä Hordelle
Ducks of Doom
Natural Evolution
Other active guilds: Zen Experience Slightly mad
For Naxxramas development, please refer to
For Temple of Ahn'Qiraj development, please refer to:
For Blackwing Lair development, please refer to:
For Molten Core development, please refer to:
For Burning Crusade development, please refer to:
Realm First![]
Raid Progress Pre Ulduar[]
- Unknown Entity Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas
- Unknown Entity Realm First! Obsidian Slayer
- Nerve Realm First! Magic Seeker
3.1 25 man Ulduar Progress[]
The Siege of Ulduar
- Flame Leviathan Realm First! by Randoms
- Ignis the Furnace Master Realm First! by Randoms
- Razorscale Realm First! by Randoms
- XT-002 Deconstructor Realm First! by Randoms
The Antechamber of Ulduar
- Assembly of Iron Realm First! by Randoms
- Kologarn Realm First! by Randoms
- Auriaya Realm First! by Randoms
The Keepers of Ulduar
- Freya Realm First! by Randoms
- Hodir Realm First! by Randoms
- Thorim Realm First! by Randoms
- Mimiron Realm First! by Randoms
The Descent into Madness
- General Vezax Realm First! by Unknown Entity
- Yogg-Saron Realm First! by Unknown Entity
The Celestial Planetarium
- Algalon the Observer Realm First! by Aphorism
3.1 Ulduar Hard Mode Progress[]
The Siege of Ulduar
- Heroic: Orbit-uary Realm First! by Unknown Entity
- Heroic: Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare Realm First! by Unknown Entity
- Heroic: Heroic: Stokin' the Furnace Realm First! by Nerve
- Heroic: Heroic: Heartbreaker Realm First! by Unknown Entity
- Heroic: I Choose You, Steelbreaker Realm First! by Unknown Entity
The Keepers of Ulduar
- Heroic: I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare Realm First! by Aphorism
- Heroic: Lose Your Illusion Realm First! by Aphorism
- Heroic: Heroic: Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood Realm First! by Aphorism
- Heroic: Firefighter Realm First! by Aphorism
The Descent into Madness
- Heroic: One Light in the Darkness Realm First! by Unknown Entity
- Heroic: I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning Realm First! by Unknown Entity
3.2 25 man Trail of Crusader Progress[]
- A Tribute to Skill (25 player) Realm First! by Mist
- A Tribute to Mad Skill (25 player) Realm First! by Unknown Entity
- A Tribute to Insanity (25 player) Realm First! by Mist
- Earth, Wind & Fire (25 player) Realm First! by Mist
3.3 25 man Icecrown Citadel Progress[]
Storming the Citadel
- Lord Marrowgar Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Mist
- Lady Deathwhisper Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Unknown Entity
- Gunship Battle Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Mist
- Deathbringer Saurfang Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Operation Eskimo
The Plagueworks
- Festergut Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Operation Eskimo
- Rotface Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Operation Eskimo
- Professor Putricide Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Operation Eskimo
The Crimson Hall
- Blood Prince Council Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Operation Eskimo
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Operation Eskimo
The Frostwing Halls
- Valithria Dreamwalker Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Operation Eskimo
- Sindragosa Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Operation Eskimo
The Frozen Throne
- Lich King Heroic 25 man Realm First! by Operation Eskimo