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RPWyrmrest Accord

This article is a realm page for the Wyrmrest Accord US realm (server)

This is a community maintained page and does not represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences. Information and events here are for community documentation of server particulars, history, or opinion.

General Info[]

Wyrmrest Accord is a great Roleplaying server with tons of active players on Pacific Standard Time, opened on 1/16/09. Many of the specific events and activities on this page are out of date.

Roleplaying on the Server[]

While at first it may seem that little RP occurs, it only takes a short while for a good Roleplayer to find a group or guild to roleplay with. Most common RP you can find is in Taverns or if you can, find a guild to join up with. It's always good to have a MRP (MyRoleplay) or something of that matter, so people will know you want to roleplay, of course.. There are two distinct factional cultures (as most servers have) with the perspective amounts of RP measuring about the same, but expressed through different mediums. Both factions schedule regular events, mainly to try and show how 'superior' they are to the other faction. This is owed to the mass exodus of Roleplayers from RPPvP servers and a good number from the other Roleplaying realms. From the beginning there was a great interest in fostering an active and connected Roleplaying community on the server, and has been since the server first started up.

Alliance side has great roleplaying, especially in Stormwind city. While some of its denizens are a smidge lax in their application of the lore, it is nevertheless conducive to a good time. Joining a guild typically increases the quality chance that you will be able to start your roleplay experience from the very moment you start.

Horde side is slightly more clannish. You won't get into any respectable guild if you don't fit the qualifications required. There are a lot of race-only guilds on the hordeside, Blood-Elf only guilds, Forsaken-only guilds, such as Scythe of Sylvanas and the myriad of Blood Elf House guilds. If you look in Silvermoon City or Orgrimmar, you will a large expanse of roleplayers for the Horde-side. Silvermoon City mostly contains Blood Elf roleplayers, whereas Orgrimmar will have a much more diverse crowd, including most of the Horde races, primarily centered around the Wyvern's Tail in the Valley of Honor.

There are some rather unconventional options for Horde Roleplaying as well. An Open Mic, which allows players to tell stories or roleplay the voice of their character instead of just typing out everything their character says. Always great fun. Though not a requirement to roleplay on Wyrmrest Accord at all.

Public Channels[]

Public Channels generally are more OOC (Out of Character) than /say or /yell but some people may stay in character in General or Trade to find World events, or they're Heavy Roleplayers.


  • /RP and /OOC exist on both factions. /RP takes place in a lot of places around the world, while /OOC is still OOC.


  • WorldRP is an IC channel for the Alliance.
  • "guardDispatcher" is an IC channel to report injuries or crimes for the Alliance.


  • "wranet" is the Horde's roleplay channel.

Notable Characters[]


Loui Von Douth - A Gilnean noblemen who's family had come into a great deal of money and land before the worgen out break. After his father married are harlot, the family fortune and name was lost. Family was then killed out in the out-break and the breaking of the wall. Loui now spends his days traveling with his wife around Azeroth. He is always willing to lend a hand and help those in need. Strong, hard-headed personailty is one of his notible traites.

Arthonias Griggs  A Gilnean Nobleman and a competition marksmen. A Council Member for The Violet Dawn. Striving to do good within the realm of Azeroth, always smiling and carrying himself with a positive outlook on life. Willing to lend a ear for those who need one, or help those who have fallen. 

Saint Belathan of Northshire - Former cleric of Northshire and Grand Cleric of the Order of the Golden Law - among many other orders and titles.

Jango Delucivan - A noble human paladin, a protector of innocents and a very strong and powerful fighter.

Snoop Goldhammer - A very fat rogue who sits in Dalaran and eats donuts all day, he weighs approximately 350 lbs and stands about 5'7, in his spare time he enjoys being jolly and selling hotdogs for money.

Rognin Brewshot A Dwarven hunter and veteran of both the First War and Second War - as well as a member of the Alliance Expedition.

Lord Protector Ennalor Silvertongue - Current leader of the Order of the Golden Law, a heavy roleplaying guild and holy order based in the south of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Ulfúr - Monk tactician that leads occasional war effort and mass roleplay events outside guild events (March to Dark Portal from Stormwind on Warlords of Draenor launch.)

Grand Marshal Terenal -- Alliance Marines High Command.


"Xeddin" - One of the more veteran playing characters on Wyrmrest Accord, he has been known to help many players. His playing history consists of being a player since Pre-BC. His guild "Ravenguard Syndicate" is inactive. Revoke

Ethrian Duskrider - A Blood Elven ranger who mostly keeps to himself - recently he's returned to the city after the Siege of Orgrimmar and a very long stay in the woodlands about Quel'Thalas. Those spotting him in the city who bother to strike up a conversation will find a usually quiet fellow with a whole bunch of good stories - should you get him talking. Personable, but lethal, he has a quiet, steadied and confident front that buries an unfortunate past life.



The Violet Dawn "There is always room for all of you here. Our beloved home is a place of friendship. Anyone one, young or old, who has read or heard of The Violet Dawn may come and visit us. If you are honest and good of heart, no matter your faction, no matter what season, our doors are always open to you. Whether for the first time, or for the return of an old companion, you are welcome. Please feel free to visit us anytime you pass by this way."

Order of the Golden Law A heavy roleplaying guild founded in November of 2012, the Order of the Golden Law has stood for unity, peace, compassion, respect and tenacity, both on the battlefield and off. Whether they are aiding charity in the city or fighting the evils of the world elsewhere - they can be counted on as a force of righteousness, stand ready and able to do what they can for the people of Azeroth in the name of the Light

The Emerald Tree We are a group of friendly, open-minded individuals that enjoy having fun in all aspects of the game and outside the game. Our focus from best to worst is: Social. Raiding. PvP and Leveling. Light RP. Come get to know us and enjoy the fun!


The Earthspear Tribe - The Earthspear Tribe is regarded as Wyrmrest Accord's first all-Tauren roleplaying guild, and is still active after three and a half years. They are responsible for hosting the weekly "Story Circle" event which encourages members of the Horde roleplaying community to tell stories they create in front of an audience of fellow roleplayers. They are currently recruiting new members despite a heavy bout of inactivity due to the Mists of Pandaria beta and other obligations in many of its members.

Huojin - Huojin is known as one of the horde's most popular exclusive-race guilds. They're the main All-Pandaren Roleplaying guild for the server. They're responsible for giving Pandaren-roleplayers a good home within the community. Most other guilds hate the idea of a "Panda" guild, but a lot of the veteran and critically-acclaimed roleplaying guilds have embrace their idea and are allies with the guild. Look out for them, they won't be going anywhere for a very long time.

Tirisfal Theatre Troupe - A small, but slowly growing roleplaying guild centered around performing plays in-character, as well as hosting several entertainment-related events throughout the months. Though small in number, they've pulled off hilarious shows such as "Hellsqueal", a spoof of Garrosh Hellscream's career as warchief performed at Razor Hill to embolden the Darkspear Rebellion. They are led by Irreverent and Atos.

External links[]
