Sheddle Glossgleam is a gnome cobbler located at Runeweaver Square in Dalaran.
[45.5, 46.6] This vendor offers a repair service.
Vendor information[]
[Bladed Steelboots]
[Boots of Captain Ellis]
[Kyzoc's Ground Stompers]
[Pack-Ice Striders]
[Rainey's Chewed Boots]
[Sabatons of Rapid Recovery]
[Slippers of the Holy Light]
[Treads of Coastal Wandering]
[Xintor's Expeditionary Boots]
When someone sits in the shoeshine seat
- Let me shine your shoes, <class>.
- One shoeshine coming up!
When finished
- Take care of that shine, <class>.
- Another shiny, happy person. Take care, <class>!
- If you sit on the chair next to him, he will come doing /kneel and shine your boots, your shoes then sparkle for the next hour.