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Skyshatter Harness is the Tier 6 set for Enhancement Shamans.

shortcut iconSee also: Skyshatter Regalia for the Elemental version of this set, or Skyshatter Raiment for the Restoration version. 


The Skyshatter Harness Head, Hands, Legs, Shoulders, and Chest items are sold by Tydormu in the Battle for Mount Hyjal instance and the Wrist, Waist, and Feet items are sold by Theremis, present on a boat in the Sun's Reach Harbor of the Isle of Quel'Danas. They are "purchased" with Tokens of the Forgotten Protector.

Slot Token Dropped by Found in
Head 1 Helm of the Forgotten Protector Archimonde Battle for Mount Hyjal
Hands 1 Gloves of the Forgotten Protector Azgalor Battle for Mount Hyjal
Legs 1 Leggings of the Forgotten Protector Illidari Council Black Temple
Shoulders 1 Pauldrons of the Forgotten Protector Mother Shahraz Black Temple
Chest 1 Chestguard of the Forgotten Protector Illidan Stormrage Black Temple
Wrist 1 Bracers of the Forgotten Protector Kalecgos Sunwell Plateau
Waist 1 Belt of the Forgotten Protector Brutallus Sunwell Plateau
Feet 1 Boots of the Forgotten Protector Felmyst Sunwell Plateau


Tauren in Skyshatter Armor
Orc in Skyshatter Armor


Skyshatter Harness
Inv chest mail 04
Inv gauntlets 61
Inv helmet 97
Inv pants mail 25
Inv shoulder 61
Inv boots chain 08
Inv bracer 02
Inv belt 13


See also: Set look alikes

External links[]
