- Solid Blasting Powder
- Item Level 35
- Sell Price: 2
Solid Blasting Powder is created by engineers with a skill of 175.
The components are:
The schematic is learned from an engineering trainer.
Solid Blasting Powder as an Ingredient[]
Solid Blasting Powder is used in the following recipes:
- Large Seaforium Charge
- Solid Dynamite
- Ez-Thro Dynamite II
- Blue Rocket Cluster
- Green Rocket Cluster
- Red Rocket Cluster
- Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs
- Mithril Gyro-Shot
- Goblin Bomb Dispenser
- Goblin Sapper Charge
- Unstable Trigger
- Mithril Frag Bomb
- Hi-Explosive Bomb
- Goblin Mortar
- The Mortar: Reloaded
- Mechanical Repair Kit
- Parachute Cloak
- Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector
- Gnomish Rocket Boots