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Trade archaeology staff of ammunrae
  • Staff of Ammunae
  • Item Level 359
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Binds to Blizzard account
  • Staff
  • Main-Hand"Main-Hand" is not in the list (Back, Chest, Feet, Finger, Hands, Head, Held in off-hand, Legs, Main Hand, Neck, ...) of allowed values for the "Item slot" property.
  • Speed 2.40
  • 443-666 Damage
  • (231.2 damage per second)
  • +512 Stamina
    +341 Intellect
    +247 Spirit
  • Requires level 85
  • Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 194.
    Equip: Increases spell power by 1955.
  • "Achusenmen osadi djahi kahun Ammunae"

Staff of Ammunae is a rare tol'vir archaeology artifact.


Staff of Ammunae

Ammunae is one of the guardians of the Halls of Origination. Like the other constructs within the halls, Ammunae was created to protect the powerful device capable of resetting all life on Azeroth. Each of the keepers has a sphere of influence. Isiset presides over magic; Ammunae, life; Setesh, chaos; and Rajh, the sun.
