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Battle pets have 4 basic stats: Health, Power, Speed, and Quality. All stats except Quality are represented by numbers. Some would argue that Quality is not a stat, but Blizzard seems to think it is.[1]


Main article: Health (battle pet)
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Health represents how much damage a battle pet can take.


Main article: Power (battle pet)
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Power represents a relative factor that affects how much damage a pet can deal. The scale is somewhat of a mystery, since some lower power pets can deal more damage than higher power pets and vice versa, even when taking into account strengths and weaknesses.


Main article: Speed (battle pet)
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Power represents the likelihood a battle pet will attack first. The higher speed pet should always attack first, but keep track of abilities that can change the speed during or across turns.


Main article: Quality (battle pet)
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Quality designates the overall strength of your pet's stats and will vary on every pet that you catch. Only poor, uncommon, and rare are available to players. Trainer or "boss" battle pets can be legendary or epic. Theoretically, better quality should always mean better of the other stats (Health, Power, and Speed), but only within a particular battle pet type and breed.


  1. ^ Battle pet characteristics window numbered

See also[]
