Stefan Vadu is a level 75 human quest giver at Ebon Watch in Zul'Drak
[14.1, 73.8]. He also appears later at Light's Hammer in Icecrown Citadel.
He is the owner of the Frost wyrm Persistence.
He gives the following quests:
[75] Close Call
[75] Dressing Down
[75] Hazardous Materials
[75] Infiltrating Voltarus
[75] Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes
[75] Near Miss
[75] So Far, So Bad
[75] You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
- The Lich King is near, <name>. His voice taunts me... Let us silence him at last! (In Icecrown Citadel)
External links[]
Ebon Watch | Light's Hammer |