Stormwind Embassy is a sub-zone located within Stormwind City. This embassy is where Alliance players receive quests to unlock allied races. It is directly north of the Dwarven District.
Additional NPCs may be located here depending on what allied race quest they are currently on.
- Aysa Cloudsinger
- Lightforged Representative
- Dark Iron Representative
- Void Elf Representative
- Kul Tiran Representative
- Ace Pilot Stormcog
- Aevedos <Tailoring Trainer>
- Artificer Farud <Engineering Trainer>
- Ashlee Umberleaf <Stable Master>
- Dalia Skyblossom <Cooking Trainer>
- Druben Stoutarm <Mining Trainer>
- Elestrae Dawnshard <Enchanting Trainer>
- Elya <Blacksmithing Trainer>
- Jandros Terres <Bandage Trainer>
- Jartsam <Riding Trainer>
- Lelanai <Saber Handler>
- Lord Candren <Gilneas Quartermaster>
- Moon Priestess Lasara <Darnassus Quartermaster>
- Nicanor Ward
- Shani Ward <Innkeeper>
- Statiks Quikfuse <Engineering Supplies>
- Stormwind City Guard
- Trained Brightlance
- Lightforged Sunshield
- Aspiring Anchorite
- Master Arcanist
- Riftwarden Acolyte
- Ghostblade Scout
- Cat
- Dog