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Striker's Garb is the Brood of Nozdormu set for Hunters.


Striker's Garb can be acquired through quests given by Andorgos, Kandrostrasz and Vethsera, who can all be found inside the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

The quests require a given Reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu, idols and scarabs (which drop from Trash Mobs in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj) and a token from a boss in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Sources for Striker's Garb
Item Quest Token Item Idol Scarab Token dropped by Reputation needed
[Striker's Diadem] Striker's Diadem [Vek'lor's Diadem] 2 [Idol of Strife] 5 Bronze Scarab 5 Ivory Scarab Emperor Vek'lor Friendly
[Striker's Pauldrons] Striker's Pauldrons [Qiraji Bindings of Command] 2 [Idol of War] 5 Crystal Scarab 5 Ivory Scarab Princess Huhuran, Viscidus Neutral
[Striker's Hauberk] Striker's Hauberk [Carapace of the Old God] 2 [Idol of Life] 5 Gold Scarab 5 Clay Scarab C'Thun Honored
[Striker's Leggings] Striker's Leggings [Skin of the Great Sandworm] 2 [Idol of the Sun] 5 Silver Scarab 5 Bone Scarab Ouro Friendly
[Striker's Footguards] Striker's Footguards [Qiraji Bindings of Command] 2 [Idol of Life] 5 Stone Scarab 5 Bone Scarab Princess Huhuran, Viscidus Neutral


Striker's Garb
Inv helmet 73
Inv shoulder 36
Inv chest chain 04
Inv pants mail 11
Inv boots chain 08


A female Night Elf hunter in Striker's Garb


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See also[]

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