- Strong Fishing Pole
- Item Level 1
- Fishing Pole
- Two-Hand
- Speed 3.00
- 2 - 4 Damage
- (1.0 damage per second)
- Durability 16 / 16
- Requires Fishing (10)
- Equip: Increased Fishing +5.
- Sell Price: 4
- Vendor 23
Strong Fishing Pole is one of two low-level upgrades to the [Fishing Pole], and is the only one available to the Horde. Human, Dwarf, and Gnome characters who want a fishing pole with a low bonus to fishing skill may want to buy the Strong Fishing Pole rather than wait until they can get to Darkshore for the [14] The Family and the Fishing Poleω τ ϖ quest that awards the +3 [Blump Family Fishing Pole].
Before purchasing, consider that the basic Fishing Pole is disposable and replaceable when your bags get full, and you can buy 20 [Shiny Bauble] lures for the same money as the Strong Fishing Pole. They grant +25 fishing skill lasting 10 minutes each, 200 minutes total. In addition, the lures can be purchased as you need them, rather than all at once.
Since the changes to Fishing in 3.1, skill only affects whether you catch a fish or junk, and you will skill up either way; plus, the level requirements have been removed, so fishing bonuses have lost much of their value.
This item can be purchased in limited quantity (1) for 23 from:
- Vernon Hale <Bait and Tackle Supplier> in Redridge Mountains
- Khara Deepwater <Fishing Supplies> in Loch Modan
- Lindea Rabonne <Tackle and Bait> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Old Man Heming <Fisherman> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Sewa Mistrunner <Fishing Supplier> in Mulgore
- Stuart Fleming <Fisherman> in Wetlands
- Shankys <Fishing Supplies> in Durotar
- Kilxx <Fisherman> in The Barrens
- Martine Tramblay <Fishing Supplies> in Tirisfal Glades
- Zizzek <Fisherman> in The Barrens
- Voloren <Fishing Supplier> in Teldrassil
- Lizbeth Cromwell <Fishing Supplier> in Tirisfal Glades
- Tansy Puddlefizz <Fishing Supplier> in Dun Morogh
- Catherine Leland <Fishing Supplier> in Stormwind City
- Harn Longcast <Fishing Supplies> in Mulgore
- Zansoa <Fishing Supplies> in Durotar
- Savanne <Fishing Supplies> in Feralas
- Gretta Ganter <Fisherman Supplies> in Dun Morogh
- Nessa Shadowsong <Fishing Supplies> in Teldrassil
- Mai'Lahii <Fishing Supplies> in Desolace
- Wik'Tar <Fish Merchant & Supplies> in Ashenvale
- Katoom the Angler <Fishing Trainer & Supplies> in The Hinterlands
- Dekin <Fishing Supplier> in The Exodar
- Diktynna <Fishing Trainer & Supplies> in Bloodmyst Isle
- Zurjaya <Fishing Trainer> in Zangarmarsh
- Olirea <Fishing Supplier> in Silvermoon City
- Juno Dufrain <Fishing Supplies> in Zangarmarsh
- Threlc <Fishmonger> in Blade's Edge Mountains
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