- Strong Flux
- Item Level 25
- "Used by blacksmiths to remove impurities."
- Sell Price: 5
- Vendor 20
This item can be purchased for 20 from:
- Karm Ironquill <Mining Supplies> in Loch Modan
- Karen Taylor <Mining and Smithing Supplies> in Redridge Mountains
- Gunder Thornbush <Tradesman> in Duskwood
- Banalash <Trade Goods> in Swamp of Sorrows
- Nerrist <Trade Goods> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Edna Mullby <Trade Supplier> in Stormwind City
- Neal Allen <Engineering & General Goods Supplier> in Wetlands
- Kersok Prond <Tradesman> in Wetlands
- Thrawn Boltar <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Dun Morogh
- Loslor Rudge <Engineering Supplies> in Dun Morogh
- Zora Guthrek <Trade Goods> in Alterac Valley
- Micha Yance <Trade Goods> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Christoph Jeffcoat <Tradesman> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Fradd Swiftgear <Engineering Supplies> in Wetlands
- Namdo Bizzfizzle <Engineering Supplies> in Dun Morogh
- Rizz Loosebolt <Engineering Supplies> in Alterac Mountains
- Mazk Snipeshot <Engineering Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Gnaz Blunderflame <Engineering Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Ruppo Zipcoil <Engineering Supplies> in The Hinterlands
- Hammon Karwn <Superior Tradesman> in Arathi Highlands
- Keena <Trade Goods> in Arathi Highlands
- Hurklor <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Jansen Underwood <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Taur Stonehoof <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Mulgore
- Kurm Stonehoof <Mining Supplier> in Mulgore
- Herble Baubbletump <Engineering and Mining Supplies> in Duskwood
- Wuark <Armorer & Shieldcrafter> in Durotar
- Grelkor <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Alterac Valley
- Sumi <Blacksmithing Supplier> in Durotar
- Gorina <Mining Supplier> in Durotar
- Felika <General Trade Goods Merchant> in Durotar
- Sovik <Engineering Supplies> in Durotar
- Hraq <Blacksmithing Supplier> in The Barrens
- Gagsprocket <Engineering Goods> in The Barrens
- Dalaran Miner in Silverpine Forest
- Syurana <Trade Goods Supplies> in Winterspring
- Dalria <Trade Goods> in Ashenvale
- Shandrina <Trade Goods> in Ashenvale
- Mythrin'dir <General Trade Supplier> in Teldrassil
- Golnir Bouldertoe <Mining Supplier> in Dun Morogh
- Lana Thunderbrew <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Alterac Valley
- Thurgrum Deepforge <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Dun Morogh
- Daniel Bartlett <General Trade Supplier> in Tirisfal Glades
- Elizabeth Van Talen <Engineering Supplier> in Tirisfal Glades
- Samuel Van Brunt <Blacksmithing Supplier> in Tirisfal Glades
- Sarah Killian <Mining Supplier> in Tirisfal Glades
- Felicia Doan <General Trade Goods Vendor> in Tirisfal Glades
- Jandia <Trade Supplies> in Thousand Needles
- Helenia Olden <Trade Supplies> in Dustwallow Marsh
- Fillius Fizzlespinner <Trade Supplier> in Dun Morogh
- Svalbrad Farmountain <Trade Goods> in Alterac Valley
- Burbik Gearspanner <Trade Supplier> in Dun Morogh
- Gearcutter Cogspinner <Engineering Supplies> in Dun Morogh
- Krinkle Goodsteel <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Tanaris
- Kaita Deepforge <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Stormwind City
- Brooke Stonebraid <Mining Supplier> in Stormwind City
- Billibub Cogspinner <Engineering Supplier> in Stormwind City
- Shimra <General Trade Goods Merchant> in Durotar
- Thelgrum Stonehammer <Mining Supplier> in Darkshore
- Elisa Steelhand <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Darkshore
- Gorbold Steelhand <General Trade Supplier> in Darkshore
- Jinky Twizzlefixxit <Engineering Supplies> in Thousand Needles
- Zan Shivsproket <Speciality Engineer> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Vivianna <Trade Supplies> in Feralas
- Sheendra Tallgrass <Trade Supplies> in Feralas
- Harggan <Blacksmithing Supplies> in The Hinterlands
- Gharash <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Swamp of Sorrows
- Shadi Mistrunner <Trade Goods Supplier> in Mulgore
- Jubie Gadgetspring <Engineering Supplier> in Azshara
- Knaz Blunderflame <Engineering Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Christopher Hewen <General Trade Goods Vendor> in Westfall
- Jazzrik <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Badlands
- Yuka Screwspigot in Burning Steppes
- Kireena <Trade Goods> in Desolace
- Tink Sprocketwhistle <Engineering Supplies> in Gnomeregan
- Xizzer Fizzbolt <Engineering Supplies> in Winterspring
- Lunnix Sprocketslip <Mining Supplies> in Winterspring
- Qia <Trade Goods Supplies> in Winterspring
- Lorelae Wintersong <Trade Supplies> in Moonglade
- Lah'Mawhani <Trade Supplies> in Desolace
- Vendor-Tron 1000 in Desolace
- Jase Farlane <Trade Supplies> in Eastern Plaguelands
- Blimo Gadgetspring <Trade Supplier> in Azshara
- Gigget Zipcoil <Trade Supplies> in The Hinterlands
- Master Smith Burninate <The Thorium Brotherhood> in Searing Gorge
- Zorbin Fandazzle in Feralas
- Smith Slagtree <Blacksmithing Supplies> in The Hinterlands
- Vargus <Blacksmith> in Silithus
- Mishta <General Trade Goods Vendor> in Silithus
- Arathel Sunforge <Journeyman Blacksmith> in Eversong Woods
- Craftsman Wilhelm <Brotherhood of the Light> in Eastern Plaguelands
- Rohok <Grand Master Blacksmith> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Parnis <Tradesman> in Silvermoon City
- Feera <Engineering Supplier> in The Exodar
- Zelan <Mining Supplies> in Silvermoon City
- Eriden <Blacksmithing Supplier> in Silvermoon City
- Arras <Blacksmithing Supplier> in The Exodar
- Merran <Mining Supplies> in The Exodar
- Nurguni <Tradesman> in The Exodar
- Yatheon <Engineering Supplier> in Silvermoon City
- Humphry <Grand Master Blacksmith> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Artificer Daelo <Journeyman Engineer> in Azuremyst Isle
- Blacksmith Calypso <Blacksmithing Trainer and Supplies> in Azuremyst Isle
- Clopper Wizbang <Explorers' League> in Bloodmyst Isle
- Ziz <Tradesman> in Azuremyst Isle
- Blacksmith Frances <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Ghostlands
- Puluu in Zangarmarsh
- Pilot Marsha <Engineering Goods> in Nagrand
- Wind Trader Lathrai in Terokkar Forest
- Zebig <Grand Master Engineer> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Lebowski <Grand Master Engineer> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Osrok the Immovable <Armorsmith & Blacksmithing Supplies> in Nagrand
- Sparik <Armorsmith & Blacksmithing Supplies> in Nagrand
- Cecil Meyers <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Terokkar Forest
- Trader Endernor <Trade Goods> in Shattrath City
- Krek Cragcrush <Blacksmithing Supplier> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Oran Blusterbrew <Trade Goods> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Captured Gnome <Item Repair> in Zangarmarsh
- Pol Snowhoof <Trade Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Lelagar <Smithing Supplier> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Darmend <Smithing Supplier> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Aaron Hollman <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Shattrath City
- Horvon the Armorer <Armorsmith> in Terokkar Forest
- Yarley <Armorer> in Tanaris
- Apprentice Andrethan in Netherstorm
- Siflaed Coldhammer <Tinker> in Terokkar Forest
- Dealer Najeeb <Spare Parts> in Netherstorm
- Dumphry <Grand Master Blacksmith> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Ogri'la Steelshaper <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Aundro <Blacksmithing Supplies> in Terokkar Forest
- Gug <Armorsmith> in Shadowmoon Valley
Strong Flux as a quest objective[]
This item is an objective of [60] War at Seaω τ ϖ.
Strong Flux as an ingredient[]
This item is used to make:
- [Hardened Iron Shortsword]
- [Bronze Battle Axe]
- [Glinting Steel Dagger]
- [Mighty Iron Hammer]
- [Iridescent Hammer]
- [Deadly Bronze Poniard]
- [Solid Iron Maul]
- [Heavy Bronze Mace]
- [Golden Iron Destroyer]
- [Pearl-handled Dagger]
- [Massive Iron Axe]
- [Shadow Crescent Axe]
- [Bronze Warhammer]
- [Moonsteel Broadsword]
- [Jade Serpentblade]
- [Bronze Greatsword]
- [Reforged Blade of Heroes]
- [Frost Tiger Blade]