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Inv potion 13755
  • Super Mana Potion
  • Item Level 68
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Requires level 55
  • Use: Restores 1800 to 3000 mana.
  • 1 Charges
  • Sell Price: 50s
  • Cooldown: 1 min (Out of Combat)
  • Vendor 2g

Super Mana Potion is a potion that restores between 1800 to 3000 mana.


These potions are sold by Dealer Sadaqat <Potent Potables> at Stormspire in Netherstorm with limited quantity (3 daily).

This potion is made by Alchemist with a skill level of 340.

This item is created with Alchemy (395).

Materials required:
Inv misc herb dreamingglory
2x [Dreaming Glory]
Inv misc herb felweed
1x [Felweed]
Inv alchemy imbuedvial
1x [Imbued Vial]

The recipe is taught by [Recipe: Super Mana Potion]. This item can be purchased for 5g from:

Unconfirmed: These potions are sold by Kyren in Zul'Aman with limited quantity (5 daily) and Professor Thaddeus Paleo with either limited quantity (2 daily) or unlimited quantity.

Super Mana Potion as an ingredient[]

This item is used to make:


This potion shares the same 1 minute cooldown as all other healing and mana potions, starting once the imbiber leaves combat.

Super Mana Potions can be stacked to 20 if they are converted into [Mana Potion Injector]s by an engineer.

External links[]
